Joseph Smith Foundation director, author, film producer, speaker
L. Hannah Stoddard is the lead author of Faith Crisis, Volume 1: We Were NOT Betrayed!, Seer Stone v. Urim & Thummim: Book of Mormon Translation on Trial, Faith Crisis, Volume 2: Behind Closed Doors, Joseph Smith’s Plural Wives: Helen Mar Kimball, and A Christ-Centered Home. She is the director of the Joseph Smith Foundation, and producer or director of seven documentary feature films.
- Nephites in Europe (Episodes 1 & 2, Quest for the Nephite Remnant) (2019)
- Hidden Bloodlines: The Grail & the Lost Tribes in the Lands of the North (2017)
- Unlocking the Mystery of the Two Prophets: Revelation 11 Part 1 (2017)
- The Prophet Joseph: More than we know (2015)
- Statesmen & Symbols: Prelude to the Restoration (2014)
- For Our Day: Divinely Sanctioned Governments (2013)
- For Our Day: Covenant on the Land (2013)
In addition to directing Joseph Smith Foundation projects for over a decade, she is often invited to speak on various radio and video programs. Hannah helped direct her first documentary film, beginning at age 16. She has worked as a history and literature teacher, graphic design artist, software developer, videographer, project manager, agriculturist and research assistant. Her work focuses on Church history and doctrine, answers to Latter-day Saint faith crisis questions, educational philosophy, culture, and defending the Prophet Joseph Smith. Hannah’s research supports the writings and teachings of ancient and latter-day prophets.
Follow Updates!
Email: truejosephsmith@gmail.com
Telegram: https://t.me/hannahstoddard
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lhannah.stoddard
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lhannahstoddard/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LHannahStoddard
- Lessons learned from the MTC President Sex Abuse Scandal (Papers, Jan 2018)
- Is “unconditional love” a scriptural doctrine? (LDS Answers, May 2017)
- Why did Joseph Smith marry women who were already married to other living men (i.e. polyandry)? (LDS Answers, Dec 2016)
- Did Joseph Smith marry a 14-year-old girl? (LDS Answers, Dec 2016)
- Was Joseph Smith involved in witchcraft, magic and the occult? (LDS Answers, Dec 2016)
- “The dominant [Church history] narrative is not true . . .” LDS scholars encourage new history, new policy, new Church (LDS Answers, Oct 2016)
- Is the movie rating system undermining the values in your home? (LDS Answers, Sep 2016)
- Do We Still Believe in the Patriarchal Order? (Papers, Feb 2016)
- To Date or Not to Date? That is the Question. (Papers, Feb 2016)
Co-Authored Articles
- “If Thine Eye Offend Thee” (Part 1 – Blind Obedience? – To Question or Not to Question? That is the Question!) (Papers, Jul 2016)
- Book of Mormon Passages for Biblical Christians (Papers, Apr 2015)
- Does the Heartland Model contradict statements made by the Leadership of the Church? (Papers, Feb 2015)