Author: ZionTube

The Trial Joseph Smith Foundation

The Trial (2010)

PG-13.  Matthew Modine delivers one of his finest performances in this gripping courtroom thriller based on the best-selling novel by

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John Wesley

When young John Wesley is saved from the flames burning his family’s home, he believes God has chosen him for

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Father to Son

Fathers need to begin speaking to their sons. But the conversation can’t be aimless or trivial. Fathers need to talk

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17 Miracles (2011)

(Description from IMDB) As part of the Willie Handcart Company, Levi Savage (Jasen Wade) feared that leaving late in the

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Amish Grace (2010)

The inspirational true story of forgiveness. The peaceful Amish community of Nickel Mines is forever changed when a gunman senselessly

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