- 01) RESPONSIBILITY/STEWARDSHIP: Who is responsible for the education of children? What should be the role of fathers in the education of their family?
- 02) GOVERNMENT: What should be the role of federal, state and local governments in education?
- 03) FAMILY: What is the importance of the family in education?
- 04) SCRIPTURE: Is it possible to have good education without the scriptures and other revelations from the Lord, as the basis of the curriculum?
- 05) CHOICE: Is compulsory education compatible with the gospel of Jesus Christ? Should parents be forced to send their children to government schools, and should students be forced to attend such schools?
- 06) CHILDREN LIGHT: Should young children be sent to government schools to be a light or example in ungodly environments?
- 07) SOCIAL: Where should a childs manners and social behavior be developed? What about arguments that children should not be sheltered in a home education environment?
- 08) PRESCHOOL: What is the best environment for the learning and development of younger children?
- 09) GOAL: Why should children be educated? What should be the aim of true education? What effect does a society’s education have on its culture?
- 10) 0-8: What should be the focus of a child’s education between the ages of 0-8?
- 11) 8-12: What should be the focus of a child’s education between the ages of 8-12?
- 12) 12-18: What should be the focus of a youth’s education between the ages of 12-18?
- 13) 18+: What should be the focus of a young adult’s education after the age of 18?
- 14) MISSION: Is it important for each individual to have their own customized curriculum? Can good education be an assembly line?
- 15) MONEY: How much money is necessary for a good education?
- 16) TAXES: How are taxes used to remove parental rights in education and how are taxes used to shift stewardship in education? Should taxation be used for education?
- 17) APPLICATION: Can there be true learning without application? Is it better to learn a few things well, than be battered with multitudinous facts?
- 18) ATHEISTS/AGNOSTICS: Should individuals without faith be trusted with the education of children?
- 19) GOSPEL LIGHT: What does it mean to teach subjects in the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ?
- 20) TEMPORAL/SPIRITUAL: Can temporal and spiritual education be separated?
- 21) AMORAL: Is education amoral? Is atheism a religion? Is humanism a religion?
- 22) DISCIPLINE: How should poor behavior in children be addressed? How should discipline be addressed in educational settings?
- 23) DOCTRINE ON BEHAVIOR: How does teaching true doctrine and true principles influence behavior?
- 24) RELATIVISM: Where did relativism come from? How do relativists’ teachings correlate with the gospel of Jesus Christ?
- 25) INDIVIDUAL: What should be the role of the individual in education? How important is self-government?
- 26) CONSCIENCE: What should be the role of the Light of Christ and conscience in education?
- 27) VILLAGE: What about statements declaring “it takes a village” to properly educate?
- 28) SCHOOL PROPHETS: How can the School of the Prophets be a good model for education today? What was the organization of the University of Nauvoo?
- 29) VIEW OF MAN: How does viewing individuals as children of God change education? How does the world view the individual? (Intelligence and spirits)
- 30) ZION: Should a Zion people have their own schools, with their own books and their own teachers?
- 31) GOD AS SOURCE: Where does truth come from? Who should be the authority in education? What sources does the world base their study on (Greece, Rome, etc)?
- 32) GOD REMOVED: What is the consequence of removing God from educational settings? When prophets and the founding fathers have indicated that we believe in separation of church and state, what does this mean?
- 33) HEED/DILIGENCE: How has the education of the saints suffered through the years as a result of not heeding the warnings of Prophets of God?
- 34) MARRIAGE AND FAMILY: What is the priority of education? Should bearing and rearing of children be postponed in educational pursuits?
- 35) AMERICA: What should our schools teach concerning America and its founding and destiny?
- 36) SEX-ED: Should sex education be taught in government schools?
- 37) JOHN DEWEY: Who was John Dewey, and what influence did he have on American education? What is the Humanist Manifesto?
- 38) PRACTICAL AND PRODUCTIVE: What should be the place of manual labor and practical life skills in a valuable and successful education? What are the most critical skills to acquire?
- 39) INDEPENDENCE: Should the end of your educational endeavors be to work for yourself or to work for someone else?