Raising the Bar is an online resource and community of families who are coming together to share and uplift one another on this journey to “build Zion.” We are real families, with real struggles, real challenges, and real testimonies of REDEMPTION and HOPE. We are not perfect! But we hope you will join us and share your own experiences—lifting and building together to build a better future for the rising generation!
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Why Raising the Bar?
The Prophet Joseph Smith restored the lost understanding that Zion and the gathering of Israel was a literal event—complete with rebuilding cities and restoring a culture of beauty.
Joseph Smith began establishing cities in Kirtland, Missouri, and Nauvoo complete with schools, dance halls, theaters, choirs, manufacturing business, farms, newspapers and more!
Brigham Young attempted to continue Brother Joseph’s vision in “Deseret,” the original name for the Latter-day Saint Utah and Idaho territory.

President Brigham Young taught:
“We are not going to wait for angels, or for Enoch and his company to come and build up Zion, but we are going to BUILD IT. We will raise our wheat, build our houses, fence our farms, plant our vineyards and orchards, and produce everything that will make our bodies comfortable and happy, and in this manner we intend to BUILD UP ZION on the earth and purify it and cleanse it from all pollutions.”

Raising a Higher Standard
Raising the Bar was founded to inspire a higher ideal, a hope, a vision for the future. Raising the Bar hopes to encourage independent individuals with independent stewardships working toward a common ideal. An ideal where no one is criticized for raising their personal or family standards. An ideal where each individual seeks to do their very best to live ever better and reach ever-higher toward becoming more like the Lord.

“Culture is religion externalized” (Attributed to Henry Van Til)
Is it possible to restore our degenerate culture? How can we recover beauty from the ashes of a collapsing civilization? This is a call to reclaim our culture for the true King, Jesus Christ.
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“It will be increasingly valuable to have vocational skills–to be able to use our hands. The most essential temporal skills and knowledge are to be able to provide food, clothing, and shelter. Increasingly, the Lord, through His servants, is trying to get us closer to the soil by raising our own produce.” (Ezra Taft Benson)
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We wish to restore honor and respect for fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers as well as our distant forefathers in obedience to the fifth commandment. We are striving to build a faithful posterity.
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“The Lord does not intend that the Saints shall live always in dens and caves of the earth, but that they shall build fine houses. When the Lord comes he will not expect to meet a dirty people, but a people of refinement.” (Lorenzo Snow, in Wilford Woodruff: History of His Life and Labors, ed. Matthias F. Cowley (1964), 468.)
“Let us . . . show to the world that we have talent and taste, and prove to the heavens that our minds are set on beauty and true excellence, so that we can become worthy to enjoy the society of angels.” (Discourses of Brigham Young, 424.)

“When you choose to follow Christ, you choose to be changed. . . .
“Christ changes men, and changed men can change the world. Men changed for Christ will be captained by Christ. . .
“The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ takes the slums out of people, and then they take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature.” (President Benson)
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