Promise of Healing from Prayer — Journal of Joseph Smith (October 27, 1835)
In the morning I was called to visit at Br Samuel Smiths his wife was confined and in a verry dangerous situation, Br. Carloss took one of my horses and went to Chardon after Doct. Williams I went out into the field and bowed before the Lord and called upon him in mighty prayer in her behalf the word of the Lord came unto me saying my Servant Fredrick shall come and shall have wisdom given him to deal prudently and my handmaden shall be delivered of a living child & be spared, he come in a bout one hour after that and in the course of about 2. hours she was delivered and thus what God had manifested to me was fulfilled every whit
Journal, 1835–1836, p. 10, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Weary God until He Blesses — Willard Richards (between circa June 26 and circa August 4, 1839)
God is not a respecter of persons, we all have the same privilege. Come to God weary him until he blesses you &c — we are entitled to the same blessings.
Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 4 August 1839–C, as Reported by Willard Richards, pp. 78-79, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Prayer of Humility for Purification & Protection — Wilford Woodruff (March 20, 1842)
. . . before closing [Joseph Smith] called upon the vast assembly before him to humble themselves in faith before God & in mighty prayer & fasting to call upon his Holy name untill the elements were purified over our heads & the earth sanctified under our feet that the inhabitants of this city may escape the power of the disease pestilence & destroyer that rideth upon the face of the earth & that the holy spirit of God may rest upon this vast multitude
Discourse, 20 March 1842, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff, p. 138, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Prayer for Holy Ghost & to Strengthen Lungs — William Clayton (April 8, 1843)
Have 3 requests— all who have faith exercise. that the Lord may be willing to came [calm] the wind.— Next. have your prayers strengt[h]en my lungs— next I may have the H. G. [Holy Ghost] to enable me to declare such things that are true
Discourse, 8 April 1843, as Reported by William Clayton, p. 1, The Joseph Smith Papers.