ORDINANCES FOR THE DEAD (Teachings of Joseph Smith)

Baptism for the Dead the Only Way Men Can Appear as Saviors on Mount Zion — Times & Seasons (October 3, 1841)

The speaker presented “Baptism for the Dead” as the only way that men can appear as saviors on mount Zion.

Discourse, 3 October 1841, as Published in Times and Seasons, p. 577, The Joseph Smith Papers.

Performing Proxy Ordinances Instrumental to Bring People into Kingdom of God— Times & Seasons (October 3, 1841)

The proclamation of the first principles of the gospel was a means of salvatien to men individually, and it was the truth, not men that saved them; but men, by actively engaging in rites of salvation substitutionally, became instrumental in bringing multitudes of their kin into the kingdom of God.

Discourse, 3 October 1841, as Published in Times and Seasons, p. 577, The Joseph Smith Papers.

Saving the Dead No More Incredible than Raising the Dead — Times & Seasons (October 3, 1841)

It is no more incredible that God should save the dead, than that he should raise the dead.

Discourse, 3 October 1841, as Published in Times and Seasons, p. 577, The Joseph Smith Papers; italics in original.

Spirits of the Dead Released by Power & Authority of Priesthood — Times & Seasons (October 3, 1841)

There is a way to release the spirit of the dead; that is, by the power and authority of the Priesthood—by binding and loosing on earth

This doctrine [releasing spirits of the dead through Priesthood power/authority] appears glorious, inasmuch as it exhibits the greatness of divine compassion and benevolence in the extent of the plan of human salvation. This glorious truth is well calculated to enlarge the understanding, and to sustain the soul under troubles, difficulties, and distresses.

Discourse, 3 October 1841, as Published in Times and Seasons, p. 577, The Joseph Smith Papers.

Ordinance Proxy Work for the Dead Demonstrates Mercy & Wisdom of God — Times & Seasons (October 3, 1841)

This doctrine [ordinance proxy work for the dead], he said, presented in a clear light, the wisdom and mercy of God, in preparing an ordinance for the salvation of the dead, being baptised by proxy, their names recorded in heaven, and they judged according to the deeds done in the body.

Discourse, 3 October 1841, as Published in Times and Seasons, p. 578, The Joseph Smith Papers.

Saints Who Neglect Proxy Work for Their Deceased Relatives “Do It at the Peril of Their Own Salvation” — Times & Seasons (October 3, 1841)

This doctrine [ordinance proxy work for the dead] was the burden of the scriptures. Those saints who neglect it, in behalf of their deceased relatives, do it at the peril of their own salvation.

Discourse, 3 October 1841, as Published in Times and Seasons, p. 578, The Joseph Smith Papers.

Bible Supports Baptism for the Dead — Wilford Woodruff (March 27, 1842)

He said the Bible supported the doctrin, “why are ye Baptized for the dead if the dead rise not &c” if their is one word of the Lord that supports the doctrin it is enough to mik [make] it a true doctrin

Discourse, 27 March 1842, p. 139, The Joseph Smith Papers.

Same Priviledge to Baptize the Dead as the Living — Wilford Woodruff (March 27, 1842)

if we can baptize a man in the Name of the Father of the Son & of the Holy Ghost for the remission of sins it is Just as much our privilege to act as an agent & be baptized for the remission of sins for & in behalf of our dead kindred who have not herd the gospel or fulness of it

Discourse, 27 March 1842, p. 139, The Joseph Smith Papers.

Baptisms for the Dead Must Be in the Font — Joseph Smith (April 15, 1842)

Baptisms for the dead, and for the healing of the body must be in the font, those coming into the church and those rebaptized may be done in the river.

Times and Seasons, 15 April 1842, p. 763, The Joseph Smith Papers.

Commandment for a Recorder to Witness Baptisms for the Dead — Eliza R. Snow (September 1, 1842)

And again, I give unto [you] a word in relation to the baptism for your dead. Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you concerning your dead; Let there be a Recorder, and let him be eye-witness of your baptisms; let him hear with his ears that he may testify of a truth saith the Lord; that in all your recordings, it may be recorded in heaven; that whatsoever you bind on earth may be bound in heaven, and whatsoever you loose on earth may be loosed in heaven; for I am about to restore many things to the earth pertaining to the Priesthood saith the Lord of Hosts. And again, let all the Records be had in order, that they may be put in the archives of my holy Temple, to be held in remembrance from generation to generation, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Journal, December 1841–December 1842, pp. 189-190, The Joseph Smith Papers. See also, Doctrine & Covenants 127:5-9.

Instructions to Properly Record and Document Baptisms for the Dead — Eliza R. Snow (September 6, 1842)

I now resume the subject of the baptism for the dead as that subject seems to occupy my mind, and press itself upon my feelings the strongest, since I have been pursued by my enemies, I wrote a few words of Revelation to you concerning a Recorder. I have had a few additional views in relation to this matter, which I now certify; ie. It was declared in my former letter that there should be a Recorder who should be eye-witness, and also to hear with his ears that he might make a Record of a truth before the Lord. Now, in relation to this matter; it would be very difficult for one Recorder to be present at all times and to do all the business. To obviate this difficulty, there can be a Recorder appointed in each ward of the City, who is well qualified for taking accurate minutes; and let him be very particular and precise in making his Record and taking the whole proceeding; certifying in his Record, that he saw with his eyes, and heard with his ears; giving the date, and names &c. and the history of the whole transaction, naming also some three individuals that are present, if there be any present who can at any time, when call’d upon, certify to the same; that in the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word may be established. Then let there be a general Recorder to whom these other Records can be handed, being attended with certificates over their own signatures; certifying that the Record which they have made, is true. Then the General Church Recorder can enter the Record on the general Church Book with the Certificates and all the attending witnesses, with his own statement that he verily believes the above statements and Records to be true, from his knowledge of the general character and appointment of those men by the Church. And when this is done on the general Church Book; the Record shall be just as holy, and shall answer the ordinance just the same as if he had seen with his eyes and heard with his ears, and made a Record of the same on the general Book.

Journal, December 1841–December 1842, pp. 196-197, The Joseph Smith Papers. See also, Doctrine & Covenants 128:1-4.

Baptism for the Dead a Likeness of Death & the Resurrection — Eliza R. Snow (September 11, 1842)

The ordinance of baptism by water, to be immers’d therein in order to answer to the likeness of the dead, that one principle might accord with the other to be immers’d in the water, and come forth out of the water is in the likeness of the resurrection of the dead in coming forth out of their graves: hence, this ordinance was instituted to form a relationship with the ordinance of baptism for the dead; being in likeness of the dead. Consequently, the baptismal Font was instituted as a simile of the grave, and was commanded to be in a place underneath where the living are wont to assemble, to show forth the living and the dead; and that all things may have their likeness, and that they may accord one with another; that which is earthly, conforming to that which is heavenly, as Paul hath declar’d 1st Corinthians, Chap. 15, verses 46, 47 & 48.

Journal, December 1841–December 1842, p. 198, The Joseph Smith Papers. See also, Doctrine & Covenants 128:12-13.

Salvation of the Dead Is Necessary & Essential for Our Salvation — Eliza R. Snow (September 11, 1842)

And now my dearly and beloved brethren and sisters, let me assure me that these are principles in relation to the dead and the living; that cannot be lightly passed over, as pertaining to our salvation; for their salvation is necessary and essential to our salvation; as Paul says concerning the fathers, “That they without us, cannot be made perfect”; neither can we without our dead, be made perfect.

Journal, December 1841–December 1842, p. 199, The Joseph Smith Papers. See also, Doctrine & Covenants 128:15.

Baptism for the Dead Welding Link between Fathers, Children, Dispensations, Etc., to Prevent Curse — Eliza R. Snow (September 11, 1842)

And now, in relation to the baptism for the dead; I will give you another quotation of Paul, 1 Cor. 15 chap. verse 29 “Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why are they then baptized for the dead?” And again in connexion with this quotation I will give you a quotation from one of the prophets, which had his eye fix’d on the restoration of the Priesthood— the glories to be reveal’d in the last days, and in an especial manner, this most glorious of all subjects belonging to the everlasting Gospel, viz. the baptism for the dead; for Malachi says, last chap.— verses 5 & 6. “Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and terrible dreadful day of the Lord; And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse”. . . . It is sufficient to know in this case, that the earth will be smitten with a curse, unless there is a welding link of some kind or other, between the fathers and the children, upon some subject or other. And behold! what is that subject? It is the baptism for the dead. For we without them, cannot be made perfect; neither can they, without us, be made perfect. Neither can they or us, be made perfect without those who have died in the gospel also; for it is necessary in the ushering in of the dispensation of the fulness of times; which dispensation is now beginning to usher in, that a whole, and complete and perfect union, and welding together of dispensations and keys, and powers and glories should take place, and be reveal’d, from the days of Adam even to the present time; and not only this, but those things that never have been reveal’d from the foundation of the world; but have been kept hid from the wise and prudent; shall be revealed unto babes and sucklings, in this, the dispensation of the fulness of times.

Journal, December 1841–December 1842, p. 199, The Joseph Smith Papers. See also, Doctrine & Covenants 128:16-18.

House Specially Designated & Prepared for Baptisms for the Dead — Willard Richards (June 11, 1843)

ordinnce of the baptism. god decreed before the fundatin of the world that this baptism should be perfmd [performed] in a house prepard for the purpose.

Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 2, 10 March 1843–14 July 1843, p. 244, The Joseph Smith Papers. Based on the context from other accounts of this sermon, it appears that the “ordin[a]nce of the baptism” that the Prophet Joseph Smith referrs to above is baptism for the dead, not baptism.

Baptism for the Dead Described in New Testament — Wilford Woodruff (June 11, 1843)

The doctrin of Baptism for the dead is clearly shown in the new testament & if the doctrin is not good then throw away the new testament but if it is the word of God then let the doctrin be acknowledged

Discourse, 11 June 1843–A, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff, p. 44, The Joseph Smith Papers.

Purpose of Gathering of the Jews to Perform Baptisms for the Dead — Wilford Woodruff (June 11, 1843)

it [baptism for the dead] was one reason why Jesus said how oft would I have gathered you (the Jews) together that they might attend to the ordinance of the baptism for the dead as well as the other ordinances the Priesthood Revelations &c.

Discourse, 11 June 1843–A, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff, p. 44, The Joseph Smith Papers.

Dead Require All Ordinances, Including Baptism — Jonathan Grimshaw (May 12, 1844)

There is baptism &c for those to exercise who are alive, and baptism for the dead who died without the knowledge of the gospel. I am going on in my progress for eternal life; it is not only necessary that you should be baptized for your dead, but you will have to go through all the ordinances for them, same as you have gone through to save yourselves . . .

History, 1838–1856, volume F-1, p. 19, The Joseph Smith Papers.

Endowments Performed in the Same Location as Baptisms for the Dead — Jonathan Grimshaw (May 12, 1844)

In regard to the law of the Priesthood, there should be a place where all nations shall come up from time to time to receive their endowments; and the Lord has said, this shall be the place for the baptism for the dead.

History, 1838–1856, volume F-1, p. 19, The Joseph Smith Papers.

Baptized Members Have Right to Be Baptized for the Dead — Jonathan Grimshaw (May 12, 1844)

Every man that has been baptized and belongs to the Kingdom, has a right to be baptized for those who are gone before; and, as soon as the law of the gospel is obeyed here by their friends who act as proxy for them, the . . . Lord has administrators there to set them free.

History, 1838–1856, volume F-1, pp. 19-20, The Joseph Smith Papers.

A Man May Act as Proxy for His Own Relatives — Jonathan Grimshaw (May 12, 1844)

A man may act as proxy for his own relatives

History, 1838–1856, volume F-1, p. 20, The Joseph Smith Papers.

Baptism for Friends Allowed after Revelation — Jonathan Grimshaw (May 12, 1844)

we may be baptized for those whom we have much friendship for; but it must be first revealed to the man of God lest we should run too far.

History, 1838–1856, volume F-1, p. 20, The Joseph Smith Papers.

Dead Receive Holy Ghost by Proxy  — Samuel W. Richards (May 12, 1844)

[the dead] must receive the Holy Ghost by Proxy and be sealed by it unto the day of their redemption

Discourse, 12 May 1844, as Reported by Samuel W. Richards, p. 75, The Joseph Smith Papers.

Dead Must Receive All Ordinances by Proxy — Samuel W. Richards (May 12, 1844)

you must not only be baptized for them [the dead] but thoy [they] must receive the Holy Ghost by Proxy and be sealed by it unto the day of their redemption as all the other ordinances by proxy.

Discourse, 12 May 1844, as Reported by Samuel W. Richards, p. 75, The Joseph Smith Papers.

Only Members May Be Baptized for Their Ancestors or near Relatives — Samuel W. Richards (May 12, 1844)

All persons who have been Baptized and who have received the Holy Ghost may be baptized for their ancestors or near relatives.

Discourse, 12 May 1844, as Reported by Samuel W. Richards, p. 75, The Joseph Smith Papers.

Administrators Appointed to Release Spirits from Prison after Proxy Work Completed — Samuel W. Richards (May 12, 1844)

God has administrators in the eternal world to release those spirits from Prison, the ordinances being administered by proxy, upon them the law is fulfilled.

Discourse, 12 May 1844, as Reported by Samuel W. Richards, p. 76, The Joseph Smith Papers.

Must Obtain Promises for the Dead as Abraham — Samuel W. Richards (May 12, 1844)

You must obtain promises for them [the dead] as Abraham.

Discourse, 12 May 1844, as Reported by Samuel W. Richards, p. 76, The Joseph Smith Papers. See also, “Calling & Election,” and “Abrahamic Covenant.”
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