Love Necessary Amid Difference in Religious Views — Willard Richards (July 9, 1843)
“Where in do you differ from other in your religious. views?”— In reality & essencce we do not differ so far in our religio[us] vews but that we could all dring [drink] into one principle of love
Discourse, 9 July 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, pp. 301-302, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Fundamental Principle of Mormonism to Receive Truth Regardless of Source — Willard Richards (July 9, 1843)
one [of] the grand fundamental principles of Mormonism is to receivee thruth let it come from where it may.
Discourse, 9 July 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 302, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Belief in the Great Elohim — Willard Richards (July 9, 1843)
we believe in the great Eloheem. who— sits enthrond in yonder heavens.— so do the presbyterian.
Discourse, 9 July 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 302, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Lift up and Try to Persuade Those with Differences in Belief without Force — Willard Richards (July 9, 1843)
if I esteem mankind to be in error shall I bear them down? no! I will will lift them up.— & in his own way if I cannot persuade him my way is better? & I will ask no man to believe as I do.
Discourse, 9 July 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 302, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Build Friendship and Common Ground in Belief in Jesus Christ — Willard Richards (July 9, 1843)
Do you believe in Jesus christ &c? So do I. christians should cultivate the friendship of each other. & will do it.
Discourse, 9 July 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 303, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Be a Pure Mormon & Embrace All Good in the World — Willard Richards (July 16, 1843)
Presbyterian any truth. embrace that. Baptist. Methodist. &c— get all the good in the world. come out a pure mormon.
Discourse, 23 July 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 14, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Friendship Is the Grand Fundamental Principle of Mormonism — Willard Richards (July 23, 1843)
good society. what do we care if the society is good?——
dont care what a character is if he’s my friend.—— a friend a true friend. & I will be a friend to him friendship is the grand fundamental principle of Mormonism. . . .
fredship like Bro Tulys [Theodore Turley’s] Blacksmith shop.— I do not dwell upon your faults. you shall not upon mine— after you have covered up all the faults among you— the prettyest thing is have no faults at all— meek. quiet. &c
Discourse, 23 July 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, pp. 13-14, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Use Love to Revolutionize and Civilize the World — Willard Richards (July 23, 1843)
to revolutin civilize the world.— pour forth love.
Discourse, 23 July 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 13, The Joseph Smith Papers.