Must Gather to & Build Zion to Avoid Plagues & Wars — Willard Richards (Between circa June 26 and circa August 4, 1839)
l prophecy that the man who tarries after he has an opportunity of going will be aflicted by the Devil. Wars are at hand we must not delay, but we are [are we?] not required to Sacrifice. We ought to have the building up of Zion as our greatest object. — when wars come we shall have to flee to Zion, the cry is to make haste. The last revelation says ye shall not have time to have gone over the Earth until these things come. It will come as did the cholera, war, & fires burning earthquake, one pestilence after another &c until the Ancient of Days come then judgment will be given to the Saints.
Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 4 August 1839-A, as Reported by Willard Richards, pp. 69-70, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Destruction, Blood, and Murder Between Families in Last Days — Willard Richards (circa June 26 and August 4, 1839)
Every man who is afraid. covetous &c will be taken in a snare. — The time is soon coming when no man will have any peace but in Zion & her Stakes. I saw men hunting the lives of their own sons, & brother murdering brother, women killing their own daughters & daughters seeking the lives of their mothers. I saw armies arrayed against armies I saw blood. desolations,
Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 4 August 1839–A, as Reported by Willard Richards, pp. 70-71, The Joseph Smith Papers.&he Son of Man has said that the mother Shall be against the daughter, & the daughter against the mother &c,&c,— these things are at our doors. They will follow the Saints of God from City to City — Satan will rage & The Spirit of the Devil is now enraged.&cI know not how soon these things will take place, and with a view of them shall I cry peace? No! I will lift up my voice & testify of them. How long you will have good crops. & the famine be kept off [in the last days] I do not know. when the fig tree leaves, know then that the summer is nigh at hand.
Judgements Must Come Before Second Coming — Willard Richards (April 6, 1843)
. . . the coming of the Son of man never will be, never can be till the judgm[en]ts spoken of for this hour are poured out, which Jud[g]ments are commenced.
Discourse, 6 April 1843–B, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 74, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Lord Will Reveal Second Coming to Prophets Prior to Coming — Willard Richards (April 6, 1843)
Paul says ye are th[e] children of the light & not of the darkness, that that day should not overtake us as a theif in the night.— it is not the design of the Almighty to come upon the Earth & crush it, & grind it to powder.— he will reveal it to his servants the prophets.
Discourse, 6 April 1843–B, as Reported by Willard Richards, pp. 74-75, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Lord Will Fight His Own Battle in the Last Days — Willard Richards (April 13, 1843)
If the speculators run againt me they run againt the buckler of Jehovah.— God did not send me up as he did Joshua, in former days God sent his servnts to fight, but in the last days he has promised to fight the battle himself.
God will deal with you himself. & will bless or curse you as you do behave yourselves.
Discourse given on April 13, 1843. Willard Richards, Discourse, 13 April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, pp. 129-130, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Previously Inaccessible Knowledge Revealed to Babes in Last Days — Willard Richards (June 11, 1843)
men have thought many things insutabl in the last days. that he should raise the dead.
Things have been hid from before the foundation of the world to be reveald to babes in the last days.
Discourse, 11 June 1843–A, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 243, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Knowledge Previously Hid Revealed to Babes in Last Days (August 13, 1843)
Willard Richards
that which hath been hid from before the foundations of the world. reveald to babes and sucklings in the last days.—
Discourse, 13 August 1843–A, as Reported by Willard Richards, pp. 48-49, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Martha Jane Knowlton Coray
That which is to be revealed which was kept hid from the foundation of the world will be revealed to sucklings and babes
Discourse, 13 August 1843–A, as Reported by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray, pp. 32-33, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Destruction & Burning In Last Days After Servants of God Sealed in Foreheads — Willard Richards (August 13, 1843)
The world is reserved unto burning in the last days—— he shall send Elijah the prophet . . . and he shall reveal the covenants of the fathrs in relation to the childrn,— and the covenants of the children in relation to the fathrs.—
4 destroying angels holding power over the 4 quarters of the earth— until the the servants of God are seald in their foreheads.— what is that seal. shall I tell you? No.—
Doctrine Election.—— sealing. of the sevats servants of our god on the top of their heads.— tis the not the cross as the catholics would have it. doctrine of Election to Abraham was in the relation to the Lord.— A man wishes to be embraced in the covenant of Abraham— a man Judge. Higby—— in world.— of spirits—
is sealed unto the throne, & doctrine of Election sealing the father & childrn together.
Discourse, 13 August 1843–A, as Reported by Willard Richards, pp. 48-49, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Elijah Will Reveal Covenants Made to Fathers before Final Destructions — Martha Jane Knowlton Coray (August 13, 1843)
Malachi 4th ch Behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven and all the proud and they that do wickedly Shall be as stulbble and they that cometh shall burn them up although in the begining God created the Earth standing in the water and out of the water Still in the End it shall be burned and few men left— But before that God shall send unto them Elijah the prophet and he shall reveal unto them the covenants of the fathers with relation to the children and the covenants of the children in relation to the Fathers that they may have the priviledge of entering into the same in order to effect their mutual Salvation And I saw another angel ascending from the east having the Seal of the living God and he cried &c. saying Hurt not the Earth nor sea nor trees till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads
Discourse, 13 August 1843–A, as Reported by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray, pp. 33-34, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Work of Last Days Hastened from Soberness, Fasting, Prayer, Etc. — Willard Richards (October 9, 1843)
If we would be sober. & watch in fasting and prayer. God would tun away sickness from our midst. Hasten the work of the temple. and all the work of the Last Days. Let the elders & saits do away light midedness and be sober.—
Discourse, 9 October 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 122, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Keys & Power Given to Witness over All People in the Last Days — Thomas Bullock (May 12, 1844)
all the testimony is, that the Lord in the last days would commit the keys of the priesthood to a witness over all people— has the Gospel of the Kingdom commenced in the last days, and will God take it from the man, until he takes him, himself?, I have read it precisely as the words flowed from the lips of Jesus Christ— John the Revelator saw an angel flying thro’ the midst of heaven, having the everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, &c. the Scripture is ready to be fulfilled when great wars, famines, pestilence, great distress judgments &c are ready to be poured out on the Inhabitants of the Earth— John saw the angel having the holy priesthood who should preach—the everlasting gospel to all nations, God had an angel, a special messenger, ordained, & prepared for that purpose in the last days— Woe! Woe! be to that man, or set of men, who lift up their hands against God and his Witness in these last days
Discourse, 12 May 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock, p. 1, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Men Who Attack God and His Witness Will Deceive “Almost the Very Chosen Ones” — Thomas Bullock (May 12, 1844)
Woe! Woe! be to that man, or set of men, who lift up their hands against God and his Witness in these last days.— for they shall deceive almost the very chosen ones — my
Discourse, 12 May 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock, p. 1, The Joseph Smith Papers.apostateenemies say that I have been a true prophet— & I had rather be a fallen true prophet, than a false prophet; when a man goes about prophesying and commands men to obey him his teachings, he must be either a true or false prophet— false prophets always arise to oppose the true prophets, and they will prophesy so very near the truth that they will deceive almost the very chosen ones —
Joseph Smith & Others Ordained in Grand Council in Heaven to be Ministers in the Last Days (May 12, 1844)
Thomas Bullock
the doctrine of eternal judgments belong to the 1st. principles of the Gospel in the last days . . . every man who has a calling to minister to the inhabitants of the world, was ordained to that very purpose in the grand Council of Heaven before this world was— I suppose that I was ordained to this very office in that grand Council — it is the testimony that I want, that I am God’s servant, and this people his people
Discourse, 12 May 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock, p.1, The Joseph Smith Papers.
History of the Church
The doctrine of eternal judgments belongs to the first principles of the gospel in the last days. . . . Every man who has a calling to minister to the inhabitants of the world, was ordained to that very purpose in the grand council of Heaven before this world was. I suppose that I was ordained to this very office in that grand council. It is the testimony that I want that I am God’s servant, and this people his people.
History, 1838–1856, volume F-1 [1 May 1844–8 August 1844], p. 18, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Once Established in Last Days, Kingdom of God Never Destroyed (May 12, 1844)
Thomas Bullock
. . . in relation to the Kingdom of God— the devil always sets up his Kingdom at the very same time — in opposition to God . . . the ancient Prophets declared in the last days the God of Heaven shall set up a Kingdom which should never be destroyed, nor left to other people, & the very time that was calculated on, this people was struggling to bring it out
Discourse, 12 May 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock, p.1, The Joseph Smith Papers.
History of the Church
In relation to the Kingdom of God, the devil always sets up his Kingdom at the very same time in opposition to God. . . . The Ancient Prophets declared in the last days the God of heaven shall should set up a Kingdom, which should never be destroyed, nor left to other people; and the very time that was calculated on, this people were struggling to bring it out.
History, 1838–1856, volume F-1 [1 May 1844–8 August 1844], p. 18, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Joseph Smith an Instrument in Setting up Kingdom of Daniel — Thomas Bullock (May 12, 1844)
I calculate to be one of the Instruments of setting up the Kingdom of Daniel, by the word of the Lord, and I intend to lay a foundation that will revolutionize the whole world
Discourse, 12 May 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock, p.1, The Joseph smith Papers.