Healing Sickness by Prayer & the Laying on of Hands — Warren Parrish (October 11, 1835)
. . . at Evening Bro. David Whitmer came in we called on the Lord in mighty prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and laid our hands on him, and rebuked the diseas and God heard and answered our prayers to the great joy and satisfaction of our souls, our aged Father arose and dressed himself shouted and praised the Lord called Br Wm Smith who had retired to rest that he might praise the Lord with us by joining in Songs of praise to the most High. . . .
. . . Tuesday 13th visited my Father who was verry much recovered from his sickness indeed, which caused us to marvel at the might power and condesension of our Heavenly Father in answering our prayers in his behalf
Journal, 1835–1836, pp. 7-8, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Woman’s Life Spared after Joseph Smith Prayed for Her Deliverence — Warren Parrish (October 27, 1835)
I was called to visit at Br Samuel Smiths his wife was confined and in a verry dangerous situation, Br. Carloss took one of my horses and went to Chardon after Doct. Frederick G. Williams I went out into the field and bowed before the Lord and called upon him in mighty prayer in her behalf the word of the Lord came unto me saying my Servant Fredrick shall come and shall have wisdom given him to deal prudently and my handmaden shall be delivered of a living child & be spared, he come in a bout one hour after that and in the course of about 2. hours she was delivered and thus what God had manifested to me was fulfilled every whit
Journal, 1835–1836, p. 10, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Healing from a Cold by the Laying on of Hands — Warren Parrish (November 27, 1835)
Br. Warren Parrish my scribe being afflicted with a cold, asked me to lay my hands on him in the name of the Lord I did so, and in return I asked him to lay his hands on me & we were both relieved.
Journal, 1835–1836, p. 50, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Sick Woman Healed by Prayer & Laying On of Hands — Warren Parrish (December 10, 1835)
This afternoon, I was called in company with President David Whitmer, to visit, Sister Angeline Works, who lives at Elder Booths we found her verry sick, and so much deranged, that She did not, recognize her friends, and intimate acquaintences, we prayed for and layed hands on her her in the name of Jesus Christ, and commanded her in his name to receive her senses, which was immediately restored we also prayed that she might be restored to health; she said she was better.
Journal, 1835–1836, p. 62, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Laying on of Hands the Sign of Healing — Wilford Woodruff (March 20, 1842)
What is the sign of the healing of the sick? the laying on of hands, is the sign or way marked out by James & the custom of the ancient saints as ordered by the Lord & we should not obtain the blessing by persuing any other course except the way which God has markd out.
Discourse, 20 March 1842, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff, p. 136, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Cornelius Could Not Have Healed the Sick Without the Gift of the Holy Ghost — Wilford Woodruff (March 20, 1842)
The sign of Peter was, to repent & be baptized for the remission of Sins, with the promise of the gift of the Holy Ghost & in no other way is the gift of the Holy Ghost obtained, Their is a difference between the Holy Ghost & the gift of the Holy Ghost, Cornelius received the Holy Ghost before he was Baptized which was the convincing power of God unto him of the truth of the gospel, but he could not receive the gift of the Holy Ghost untill after he was Baptized, & had he not taken this sign or ordinances upon him the Holy Ghost which convinced him of the truth of God would have left him, untill he obeyed these ordinances & received the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands according to the order of God he could not have healed the sick or commanded an evil spirit to come out of a man & it obey him for the spirit might say to him as he did to the sons of Scava, Peter I know & Christ I know but who are ye
Discourse, 20 March 1842, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff, p. 137, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Baptisms For Healing Must Be Performed in the Temple Font — Times & Seasons (April 15, 1842)
Baptisms for the dead, and for the healing of the body must be in the font, those coming into the church and those rebaptized may be done in the river.
Times and Seasons, 15 April 1842, p. 763, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Women, If Sanctioned by God, Can Heal the Sick by the Laying on of Hands — Eliza R. Snow (April 28, 1842)
He said the reason of these remarks being made, was, that some little thing was circulating in the Society [Relief Society], that some persons were not going right in laying hands on the sick &c. Said if he had common sympathies, would rejoice that the sick could be heal’d: that the time had not been before, that these things could be in their proper order— that the church is not now organiz’d in its proper order, and cannot be until the Temple is completed—— Prest. Smith continued the subject by adverting to the commission given to the ancient apostles “Go ye into all the world” &c.— no matter who believeth; these signs, such as healing the sick, casting out devils &c. should follow all that believe whether male or female. He ask’d the Society if they could not see by this sweeping stroke, that wherein they are ordaind, it is the privilege of those set apart to administer in that authority which is confer’d on them— and if the sisters should have faith to heal the sick, let all hold their tongues, and let every thing roll on. . . .
. . . Respecting the female laying on hands, he further remark’d, there could be no devil in it if God gave his sanction by healing— that there could be no more sin in any female laying hands on the sick than in wetting the face with water— that it is no sin for any body to do it that has faith, or if the sick has faith to be heal’d by the administration.
Nauvoo Relief Society Minute Book, pp. 35-36, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Darkness Removed if you Ask God — Willard Richards (April 13, 1843)
If you have any darkness you have only to ask & the darness is removed, tis not necessary that miracles should be wrought to remove darkness
Discourse, 13 April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 125, The Joseph Smith Papers.