God Is an Omnipresent Being and also a Personage of Tabernacle — James Burgess (July 9, 1843)
In answer to a question asked by a Sectarian preist namely. How is that you Mormons hold that God is an omnipresent being when at the same time he is a personage of Tabernacle.
After God had created the Heavens and the Earth. He came down and on the sixth day said let us make man in our own image. In whose image. In the image of Gods created they them. Male and female: innocent harmless and spotless bearing the same character and the same image as the Gods. And when man fell he did not lose his image but his character still retaining the image of his maker Christ who is the image of man is also the express image of his Fathers person so says Paul. For in him Christ dwelt the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Why because He was the brightness of his glory; and the express image of his person. Ques. What person Gods person. Hebrews 1st chap 3 verse And through the atonement of Christ and the resurrection and obediance in the Gospel we shall again be conformed to the image of his Son Jesus Christ, then we shall have attained to the image glory and character of God. What part of God is omnipresent read the 37 chap of Ezekel. It is the Spirit of god which proceeds from him consequently God is in the four winds of Heaven and when man receives inteligence is it not by the spirit of God J S Prophet.
James Burgess, Journal, 1841 October-1848 December, July 9, 1843, p. 291, Church History Library.
Men Cannot Comprehend Themselves If They Do Not Comprehend the Character of God — Willard Richards (April 7, 1844)
If men do not comprehend the character of God they do not comprehend themselves. what kind of a being is God?— Eternal life is to know God.— if man does not know God. has not Eternal life.
Discourse, 7 April 1844, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 67, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Heavens Revealed When We Understand the Character of God — Willard Richards (April 7, 1844)
Soon as we begin to understand the character of God, he begins to unfold the heavns to us.
Discourse, 7 April 1844, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 68, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Cannot Understand God or His Existence without Inspiration and Knowledge — Wilford Woodruff (April 7, 1844)
Go to the morn of creation to understand the decrees of the Eloheem at the creation. It is necessary for us to have an understanding of God at the beginning, if we get a good start first we can go right, but if you start wrong you may go wrong. But few understand the character of God. they do not know they do not understand their relationship to God. the world know no more than the brute beast & they know no more than to eat drink and sleep, & this is all man knows about God or his exhistance, except what is given by the inspiration of the Almighty. go then to the beginning that you may understand.
Discourse, 7 April 1844, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff, p. 133, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Find Out Who God Is — Wilford Woodruff (April 7, 1844)
I ask this congregation what kind of a being is God? turn your thoughts in your hearts, & say have any of you seen or herd him or communed with him this is a question that may occupy your attention The scriptures inform us that this is eternal life to know the ownly wise God & Jesus Christ whome He has sent. If any inquire what kind of a being God is— I would say If you dont know God you have not eternal life, go back & find out what kind of a being God is.
Discourse, 7 April 1844, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff, p. 134, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Joseph Smith Revealed Who God Is — Wilford Woodruff (April 7, 1844)
If I am the man that shows you what kind of a being God is then let evry man & woman sit in silence and never lift up his hand against me again if I do not do it, I will not make any further pretentions to inspiration or to be a prophet I would be like the rest of the world, fals teachers
Discourse, 7 April 1844, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff, p. 134, The Joseph Smith Papers.