Power of Endowment Needed to Overcome All Things — Joseph Smith’s Journal (November 12, 1835)
. . . you need an endowment brethren in order that you may be prepared and able to overcome all things . . .
Journal, 1835–1836, p. 34, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Prophecy of Joseph Smith: Pure Individuals Would See Savior during Solemn Assembly — Joseph Smith’s Journal (November 12, 1835)
I feel disposed to speak a few words more to you my brethren concerning the endowment, all who are prepared and are sufficiently pure to abide the presence of the Saviour will see him in the solem assembly.
Journal, 1835-1836, p. 35, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Power of Healing after Endowment Cannot Heal Wicked Individuals — Joseph Smith’s Journal (November 12, 1835)
. . . those that reject your testimony will be damned the sick will be healed the lame made to walk the deaf to hear and the blind to see through your instrumentality;
But let me tell you that you will not have power after the endowment to heal those who have not faith, nor to benifit them, for you might as well expect to benefit a devil in hell as such an one, who is possessed of his spirit and are willing to keep it for they are habitations for devils and only fit for his society . . .
Journal, 1835–1836, p. 34, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Power of Endowment for Missionaries (November 12, 1835)
. . . when you are endowed and prepared to preach the gospel to all nations kindred and toungs in there own languages you must faithfully warn all and bind up the testimony and seal up the law and the destroying angel will follow close at your heels and execute his tremendeous mission upon the children of disobediance, and destroy the workers of iniquity, while the saints will be gathered out from among them and stand in holy places ready to meet the bridegroom when he comes.
Journal, 1835–1836, pp. 34-35, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Blessings of Endowment Lead To Gratitude for Not Being Overcome by Evil — Relief Society Minute Book (August 31, 1842)
But it will be but a little season and all these afflictions will be turn’d away from us inasmuch as we are faithful and are not overcome by these evils. By seeing the blessings of the endowment rolling on, and the kingdom increasing and spreading from sea to sea; we will rejoice that we were not overcome by these foolish things.
Discourse, 31 August 1842, p. 82, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Kingdom of God Existed Before and After Pentecost — Wilford Woodruff (January 22, 1843)
The endowment was to prepare the desiples for their mission into the world.
Discourse, 22 January 1843, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff, p. 8, The Joseph Smith Papers.