People Should Work for the Good of Nauvoo — Willard Richards (October 15, 1843)
On. the economy of this city.— I think there is too many merchants among you more wool and raw materials. & the money be brought him to pay the poor for manufutuing— set our women to work & stop their spinning street yarn and talking about spiritual wives.— Send your money out in the country. get grain cattle flax.— &c
I proclaim in the name of the Lord god. that I will have nothing but virtue & integrigrity & uprightness.
Discourse, 15 October 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, pp. 131-132, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Build a City on Manufacturing, Not Merchandise — Willard Richards (October 15, 1843)
We cannot build up a city on merchadize. I would not run after the merchants. I would sow a little flax if I had but a garden and . . . lot.
the temporal economy of this peoples should be to establish— manufating [manufacturing] and. not to take usurry. for his mony
Discourse, 15 October 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 132, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Raw Materials & Manufacturing Establishments of All Kinds Wanted — Willard Richards (October 15, 1843)
all ye rich men. of the Latter Day Saints.— from abroad I would invite to bring up some of their money. and give to the temple. we want Iron steell powdrs.— &c—
a good plan to get up a forge. bring in raw materials. & manuutig [manufacturing] establishment of all kinds.— surround the rapids
Discourse, 15 October 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, pp. 133-134, The Joseph Smith Papers.
It Is Good Economy to Entertain Outsiders — Willard Richards (October 15, 1843)
. . . It is good economy to entertain stager. to entertain sectarians. come up ye sectarian priests.— of the everlasting gospel, as they call. it & they shall have my pulpit all day.
Discourse, 15 October 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 134, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Be Liberal in Feeding the Poor — Willard Richards (October 15, 1843)
wo to ye rich men. give to the poor. & then come and ask me for bread. away with all your meanness & be liberal wee need purging.
Discourse, 15 October 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 134, The Joseph Smith Papers.