Curse on Adulters, Fornicators, Unvirtuous, and Exploiters — History of the Church (April 10, 1842)
I preached in the grove, and pronounced a curse upon all Adulterers and Fornicators, and unvirtuous persons and those who have made use of my name to carry on their iniquitous designs.
History, 1838–1856, volume C-1, p. 1316, The Joseph Smith Papers. See also, History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 Addenda, p. 62-63, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Curse on Merchants and Wealthy Individuals Who Would Not Assist in Building the Temple — History of the Church (April 24, 1842)
Preached on the hill, near the Temple concerning the building of the Temple, and pronounced a curse on the Merchants and the rich, who would not assist in building it—
History, 1838–1856, volume C-1, p. 1325, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Curse on Enemies and Apostates — History of the Church (August 29, 1842)
. . . I have the best of feelings towards my brethren, since this last trouble began, but to the Apostates and enemies, I will give a lashing every opportunity and I will curse them.
History, 1838–1856, volume D-1, p. 1389, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Curse on Individuals Who Preach a Different Gospel Than Joseph Smith — Thomas Bullock (May 12, 1844)
. . . if any man preach any other gospel than that which I have preached, he shall be cursed, and some of you who now hear me, shall see it . . .
Discourse, 12 May 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock, p. 2, The Joseph Smith Papers.