Adam at Adam-ondi-Ahman — Willard Richards Account (Between circa June 26 and circa August 4, 1839)
I saw Adam in the valley of Ah-dam ondi-ahman— he called together his children & blessed them with a Patriarchal blessing. The Lord appeared in their midst. & he (Adam) blessed them all & foretold what should befall them to the latest generation— See D.C. Sec III 28. 291 par. . . . Those men to whom these Keys have been given will have to be there (I.E. when Adam shall again assemble his children of the Priesthood, & christ be in their midst) the Ancient of Days come &c &c J. T.) And they without us cannot not be made perfect.
Discourse, circa between 26 June and circa 4 August 1839-A, as reported by Willard Richards, p. 65–66, The Joseph Smith Papers. There is also additional context about the Ancient of Days on pp. 67–68.
Adam at Adam-ondi-Ahman — Unidentified Scribe Account (Between circa June 26 and circa August 4, 1839)
I saw Adam in the valley of Adam Ondi Ahman, he called together his children & blessed, them, with a patriarchal blessing, The Lord appeared in their midst. he (Adam) blessed them all & foretold what should befall them to the latest generation. see DC. sec 3 P 28. 29. . . . Those men to whoom these keys have been given will have to be there (I E When Adam shall again assemble his children of the preasthood & Christ be in their midst the ancient of days come &c &c J T) & they without us could not be made perfect.
Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 4 August 1839–A, as Reported by Unidentified Scribe, pp. 3–4, The Joseph Smith Papers. There is also additional context about the Ancient of Days on p. 4.
Adam’s role and keys over the human family — William Clayton Account (Between circa June 26 and circa August 4, 1839)
I saw Adam in the valley of Adam-ondi-ahman, he called together his children and blessed them with a Patriarchal blessing. The Lord appeared in their midst and he (Adam) blessed them all and foretold what should befall them to the latest generation See D. C. Sec. 3— 28, 29. . . . Paul spoke of the dispensation of the fulness of times when God would gather together all things in one &c. Those men to whom these keys have been given will have to be there (I. E. when Adam shall again assemble his children of the priesthood and Christ be in their midst the ancient of days come &c &c. J. T.) and they without us could not be made perfect.
Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 4 August 1839–A, as Reported by William Clayton, pp. 15–16, The Joseph Smith Papers. There is also additional context about the Ancient of Days on pp. 17-18, 21.
- Section 107 of the Doctrine and Covenants was previously numbered as Section 3 in the 1835 and 1844 editions of the Doctrine and Covenants. Doctrine and Covenants 3:28-29 in the 1835/1844 editions equates to Doctrine and Covenants 107:53-57 of the 2013 edition of the D&C, with only minor punctuation and spelling edits.