Contributor: Emily Dayley
Its really nice to hear from some many others who dont celebrate Halloween. When we stopped celebrating Halloween, we replaced it with the Fall Feasts (or holidays) from the Bible. It has been such a a grand blessing for my family! The feast of tabernacles, or Sukkot started Sunday, and continues for 8 days. Here are somethings we do for to celebrate!

Each night for Sukkot, we light our special candles we use for Feast days. Since this is the Feast that celebrates the millennium, an extra place is set for someone who has passed away that we look forward to being with again in the millennium.
Traditionally, the first night the place setting is for Abraham, the second night is for Isaac, then Jacob. Then each night if for anyone you like (usually family). We also set it for Joseph who was sold into Egypt, and now after watching the Nephites in Europe video, my kids wanted to add Nephi and Sam. Each night we talk about that person, tell stories, and how it will be in the millennium!

We also discuss in a fun way other events that have happened on this feast. I wish I could put it all in here, but it would be a book! In short, when Christ said he was the living water, the light of the world etc . It had deep meaning and rich symbolism, and also foreshadowed many things.

*Today I learned more about Joseph Smith’s upcoming role in the Feast of Tabernacles!*
******If you need something to replace Halloween, start looking into this Holy day! It is awesome! ******