Associated Locations:
- Manti, Utah
Associated Dates:
- May 21, 1888 – Dedicated
Providential Importance in History
Franklin D. Richards
“When we dedicated the Temple at Manti, many of the brethren and sisters saw the presence of spiritual beings, discernible only by the inward eye. The Prophets Joseph, Hyrum, Brigham and various other Apostles that have gone were seen and not only this, but the ears of many of the faithful were touched, and they heard the music of the heavenly choir.” 1

Inspiring Stories
J. Hatten Carpenter
The Manti Temple has been a source of inspiration to me from the day I first set eyes upon it, which was in July, 1887. At that time I was in a sheep camp on the mountains west of Ephraim about sunset, and looking over the Sanpete valley I saw the Temple in the distance; and although I uttered a silent prayer that sometime I might enter its portals, I little realized then that I should be called to labor there as a Recorder, which I have for the past twenty-nine years. I had left London in March, 1886, for Australia and after much traveling finally landed in San Francisco in February, 1887, and thence to Salt Lake City.
Events connected with the site of the Temple have increased my faith greatly. After some discussion by certain of the Church leaders, ground was broken for its erection on April 25, 1877, by President Brigham Young. He stated that the angel Moroni had dedicated this spot for the erection of a Temple and on this site it should be built.fn The wisdom of this selection has been fully vindicated in the years that have followed. A natural spring to the east was in readiness to provide water for the grounds and for use inside the Temple. Years ago parties endeavored to appropriate the waters of this spring but failed. Providence intervened as its waters were needed for this sacred edifice. As years have elapsed the volume of flow has increased as extensions required more water.
The towers of this Temple are seen many miles distant as one enters the valley from either the north or south. The beauties of the surroundings of the Temple appeal to visitors and they are greatly impressed with the beauty of what they have seen. This beauty is dependent on the water from the spring mentioned.
On August 8, 1888, I had the privilege of entering the Temple and received my blessings. During the past fifty years I have met and conversed with many people who have related to me many faith-promoting incidents pertaining to their labors for their kindred who have passed beyond.
Up to June, 1905, outside of a few near relatives which I had known as a boy in England, and for whom I had performed the Temple work, my vicarious work was very meager. I could obtain but little information concerning my ancestors, but from 1905, in fulfillment of a blessing given under the Spirit in tongues, I have gathered over 20,000 Carpenter and Hatton names of my kindred and have completed the work for them.
On the 15th of April, 1908, I went to the Temple with my wife, and on that day we were sealed for some ten couples of my Carpenter kindred. Among them was a certain Warncombe Carpenter and his wife, Eleanor Taylor. During the ceremony a most peculiar feeling came over me, one I had never experienced before—a sensation of warmth in my chest which extended upwards which brought tears to my eyes and I melted through the intensity of its effects. This feeling I did not experience when being sealed for the other nine couples. I realized that Warncombe and his wife were permitted to show their gratitude to us for the work performed for them and gave us a taste of the joys of heaven, for I had never tasted such exquisite joy before, but have since on seven or eight occasions. As we went home my wife and I talked over this experience and she had experienced the same feeling as I. We likened this to the feelings expressed by the two disciples who were going to Emmaeus, and who, after meeting the Savior, remarked: Did not our bosoms burn within us?
This Warncombe Carpenter was born about 1623 at Dilwyn, Hereford, England, and died November 2, 1669. He belonged to the main branch of the Carpenter family who had lived there before 1300, and were a cadet branch of the Carpentier family from Cambrai, in French Flanders, and from which the Carpenter families of England originated. Warncombe was an officer in the Cavalier army and fought at the battle of Naseby in 1645, for King Charles 1, and carried the wounds received to his death. One of his sons was the famous general known as Lord George Carpenter, the ancestor of the Earl of Tyrconnel.
I give this incident as a testimony of the fact that when we say our dear ones are dead, they still live as the same individuals though in another sphere, and are cognizant of the work being done for them and which is necessary for their progression; and they are sometimes permitted, as in this case, to show their gratitude for services performed for them, and which they could not do for themselves in the sphere to which they have departed. 2
Victor J. Rasmussen
At the dedication of the site of the Manti Temple on 25 April 1877, President Brigham Young said that if the saints would go to and build this temple, the earth should yield in abundance and there should be no failure of crops in this stake of Zion, and when the people had built the temple, they would be much better off financially than at that time. In 1880 the grasshoppers came in myriads and many thought the crops would be destroyed, and thus show President Young to be a false prophet; but in a very few days, there were no hoppers to be seen, they had mysteriously disappeared. 3
President Anthon H. Lund
“I remember one day in the temple at Manti, a brother from Mount Pleasant rode down to the temple to take part in the work, and as he passed the cemetery in Ephraim, he looked ahead (it was early in the morning), and there was a large multitude all dressed in white, and he wondered how that could be. Why should there be so many up here; it was too early for a funeral, he thought; but he drove up and several of them stepped out in front of him and they talked to him. They said, `Are you going to the temple?’ `Yes.’ `Well, these that you see here are your relatives and they want you to do work for them.’ `Yes,’ he said, `but I am going down today to finish my work. I have no more names and I do not know the names of those who you say are related to me.’ `But when you go down to the temple today you will find there are records that give our names.’ He was surprised. He looked until they all disappeared, and drove on. As he came into the temple, Recorder Farnsworth came up to him and said, `I have just received records from England and they all belong to you.’ And there were hundreds of names that had just arrived, and what was told him by these persons that he saw was fulfilled. You can imagine what joy came to his heart, and what a testimony it was to him that the Lord wants this work done.” 4
George Teasdale
“On the first day, just as Professor Smyth was concluding the voluntary—a selection from Mendelssohn—a number of the Saints in the body of the hall and some of the brethren in the west stand heard most heavenly voices singing. It sounded to them as angelic, and appeared to be behind and above them, and many turned their heads in that direction wondering if there were not another choir in some other part of the building. There was no other choir, however, * * * Some of the Saints saw the spirits of Presidents Young and Taylor, J. M. Grant, and others in the Temple, and the heads of some of the speakers were surrounded by a halo of heavenly light during the services. The Saints enjoyed a heavenly feast extending through the three days, and many shed tears of joy while listening to the testimonies and admonitions of the servants of God. There can be no question but that God has accepted the Manti Temple at the hands of His Saints and will bless all who have in any degree assisted to build it or who, not having the means to assist, have said in their hearts, `I would have helped if I could.'” 5
Orson F. Whitney
“At the conference held in Ephraim, Sanpete County, June 25, 1875, nearly all the speakers expressed their feelings to have a temple built in Sanpete County, and gave their views as to what point and where to build it, and to show the union that existed, Elder Daniel H. Wells said: `Manti,’ George Q. Cannon, Brigham Young, Jr., John Taylor, Orson Hyde, Erastus Snow, Franklin D. Richards, Lorenzo Young and A. M. Musser said, `Manti stone quarry.’ I have given the names in the order in which they spoke. At 4 p.m. that day President Brigham Young said: `The Temple should be built on Manti stone quarry.’ Early on the morning of April 25, 1877, President Brigham Young asked Brother Warren S. Snow to go with him to the Temple hill. Brother Snow says: `We two were alone; President Young took me to the spot where the Temple was to stand; we went to the southeast corner, and President Young said: `Here is the spot where the prophet Moroni stood and dedicated this piece of land for a Temple site and that is the reason why the location is made here, and we can’t move it from this spot; and if you and I are the only persons that come here at high noon today, we will dedicate this ground.'” 6
Physical and Historical Description
N. B. Lundwall
Like all Temples erected in this Dispensation, the Manti Temple stands stately and majestic, and its location is most beautiful. The terraces, which at first surrounded it, have given place to beautiful lawns and shrubs. The cement stairway has been removed, to be replaced with a smaller approach, and the remaining space covered with lawns.
The Temple is built upon a solid hill or mountain of rock, from which also the Temple is built. Along the base of the range which hems Sanpete Valley on the east, there is an underlying oolitic stratum, manifest in knolls or hills which are covered with a few feet of earth. On one of these the Manti Temple is built, commanding a superb view of the country north and south of that part of the valley lying to the west of it. Like all Temples erected by the Latter-day Saints, it faces the east, though the view is right into the mountain range.
The site of the Temple was selected by President Brigham Young. During its construction, Brigham Young, John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff have occupied the Presidency of the Church. Ground was broken on April 25, 1877, and the site dedicated on that day by President Brigham Young. The cornerstones were laid on April 14, 1879. The structure is 171 feet 6 inches long and 92 feet wide. It is 79 feet high to the square. The walls are 3 feet 6 inches thick at the base, with 4-foot buttresses. The walls taper to 3 feet at the square and the buttresses to about 2 feet 6 inches. There are two towers, the one on the east being 179 feet in height, the one on the west being 169 feet. These towers are thirty feet square at the base. The interior of the Temple is practically the same as that in the others that have been erected. Adjoining the structure proper on the north is a building 100 feet long by 40 feet wide, in which is placed the apparatus for heating. An additional Annex to the west has been added to the annex as at first constructed which provides adequate office room for the recording department and for linen room. During the past five years (1935-40) a large amount of remodeling has been done which has increased the space used for ordinance work, and also provided steel lockers for both men and women.
The buildings are heated by steam. Water is supplied through pipes from a spring some distance from the Temple. The public highway runs past the Temple, from which the ascent to the ground floor is over thirty feet. A drive, beginning at the north, passing under part of the east edge of the building and finding an outlet on the south, makes this ascent easy. The Temple is of oolitic stone, and is of a warm cream color. The towers have ample window facilities. It is impossible to imagine a more commanding eminence for a Temple and one affording greater opportunity for artistic and delightful surroundings. W. H. Folsom of Salt Lake City, was the architect and superintendent, who carried the construction through to completion, with Edward L. Parry as master mason and William Asper as designer of stairwaysfn and interior decorator. The Temple is 125 miles from Salt Lake City. The main room has a seating capacity of about 1,500 persons.
The approximate cost was $1,000,000. The dedicatory prayer was offered by Apostle Lorenzo Snow on May 21, 1888.
Presidents of the Manti Temple:
- Daniel H. Wells, 1888-1891.
- Anthon H. Lund, 1891-1893.
- John D. T. McAllister, 1893-1906.
- Lewis Anderson, 1906-1933.
- Robert D. Young, 1933-1943.
- Lewis R. Anderson, 1943-1959.
- A. Bent Peterson, 1959—Present Incumbent. 7
Dedicatory Prayer
By Apostle Lorenzo Snow (May 21, 1888)
Almighty and Eternal Father, Creator of heaven and earth, and all that they contain, Thou who art the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and of the spirits of all living; to Thee, Thy believing children here present bring our offering and beseech Thee to grant Thy listening ear while we dedicate this Temple unto Thy most holy name.
We realize our weakness, our utter feebleness and inability to advance the interests and honor of Thy name upon the earth, except Thou dost guide us by Thy Holy Spirit; therefore, we humble ourselves in Thy presence, and earnestly entreat Thee to forgive us our sins and all vanity and unworthiness which Thy purity and perfection have discovered in any one of us, inasmuch as we are truly penitent therefor, and ready to forgive those who trespass against us.
We praise and adore Thee for having restored to earth again the fulness of the Everlasting Gospel, wherein Thou didst break the silence of ages by speaking to Thy servant Joseph Smith, while yet in the days of his youth, and by Thy presence and Thine own voice didst declare unto Him Thy well Beloved Son, our Savior, in whose name alone immortality and eternal life can be obtained; and Thou didst teach, discipline and empower Him to bring forth thy glorious latter-day work—the dispensation of the fullness of times.
With the record of the Prophet Mormon, Thou didst entrust him with the Urim and Thummim, by which the unlettered youth was enabled to translate the language in which it was engraven though long since lost to the human family, and thereby revealed the origin, prosperity and downfall of the mighty nations that inhabited this hemisphere for more than twenty-five centuries of time, and also informing us that the pure gospel of a crucified and risen Redeemer had been delivered to, and His Church established among them.
We praise Thy name for revealing this knowledge which the wisdom of the world was unable to discover. Also that Thou didst authorize Thy servant Joseph to baptize for the remission of sins, by sending John the Baptist to ordain Joseph to that power; giving him also a promise that this ministry should abide in the earth until the sons of Levi shall again offer unto Thee, O Lord, an offering in righteousness.
In the plentitude of Thine everlasting love Thou didst also send Thine Apostles Peter, James and John, who conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood and apostleship, which enabled the Prophet Joseph to organize Thy Church and set in order all its appointments, offices and ordinances with its gifts and blessings, as in the former dispensations.
Everlasting praise to Thy Holy name for sending line upon line and precept upon precept, and continuing to reveal the abundance of peace and truth by sending Moses to confer the spirit with power to gather the House of Israel, and Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, that the whole earth might not be smitten with a curse.
When these manifestations of Thine unfathomable love to Thy Saints stirred up the envious hate of the ungoldly to bloody persecution, imprisonment of Thy servants, and finally to extermination from the State of their chosen homes, Thine own right hand brought deliverance to Thy Saints, and gave them a happy respite while they built the beautiful Nauvoo. But there the wrath of the ungodly waxed furious again while Thou didst fill Thy servant Joseph with revelations of Thy will for the upbuilding of Zion and the exaltation of the righteous until nothing could subdue their insatible fury but the life-blood of Joseph and Hyrum and the expulsion of Thy people from the nation; yet Thy loving kindness failed not, and the heart of the savage Indians was moved to give us a kindly welcome.
We glorify Thy great and Holy name, Almighty Father, for these communications of intelligence and power to man in the flesh again, and that the Spirit, forseeing the hatred of the wicked that would be aroused by the developments thereof, moved Thy servant Joseph to seal all these keys of power and intelligence which he had received upon the heads of his brethren the Apostles, with commandment that they should build up Thy kingdom and establish its righteousness in the earth till Thy Son, our Savior, shall come.
Thy people being under a sense of these weighty obligations, and being driven out from among men, it seemed proper to Thee to make Thy servant Brigham mighty in wisdom and strength to lead Thy people in safety, and after a year and a half’s journey in the desert among savage tribes, Thou didst give us rest in these valleys of the Rocky Mountains. In all these tribulations Thine ear heard and Thine own arm brought answers of deliverance to the supplications of Thine afflicted children. Nor wast thou weary of their necessities and entreaties, but didst soften the rigor of unfriendly elements, and didst cause the clouds to scatter refreshing showers, the hills to yield their treasures of snow, and springs of living water to come forth from the dry and parched ground. The labor of the husbandman has been crowned with plenty for man and beast, and much wherewith to bless the stranger. The everlasting hills have yielded their rich treasures of iron, lead, silver, and gold, while lightning and steam have contributed to gather Thy sons from afar and Thy daughters from the ends of the earth in swiftest ships, and without disaster.
How can we declare the multitude of all Thy mercies which Thou hast shown to Thy dependent, covenant children who have put their trust in Thee, for time would fail to mention the threatening famine by reason of the cricket, the locust and the grasshopper, when Thou didst send the gulls that swallowed them up, and the lives of Thy people were saved; or the earthquakes which have engulfed islands, provinces and cities, with the multitudes of their inhabitants, while Thy people have dwelt safely in this volcanic region, unharmed and undisturbed thereby; neither is the din of war heard in all our borders.
We praise Thy Holy name for all the mighty work Thou didst enable Thy chief apostle, Brigham, to perform; that he was moved to build and to appoint Temples according to Thy holy commandment in various cities of the land, and to designate that one should occupy this delightful spot. Since it has pleased Thee to take him to Thyself, Thine other chief apostle, John Taylor, was inspired and with his brethren did lay the foundations of this House, and with the free-will offerings of Thy Saints had reared it nearly to completion when his precious life was cut short by cruel persecution. We who are spared and are permitted to come together now dedicate this Temple unto Thee. We most earnestly pray that Thou wilt accept of this our offerings in the all-prevailing name of Thy Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
We dedicate the ground and the hill on which it stands, that the same may be holy unto the Lord our God; that its steps, its terraces, its trees and shrubbery, with all its adornments and its approaches may be the pathways of the just to the House of the Lord, the Temple of our God. Let the foundation of this House be made permanent and never be moved from its place. May the stones and the cement of which the buildings is composed become compact and strong as if it were one solid rock.
We consecrate the basement of the lower story, which is in likeness of the home of the dead, with its baptismal font, for the service of the living and the dead, with its steps, the oxen on which the font rests, its seats, its rooms for changes, with all its doors and windows, their hangings and fastenings, the furniture and all that appertains to it. May the fountain which supplies it continue a living spring that shall never fail, and the stream become as a river of life to Thy believing penitent children; that they who shall be buried therein may effectually die unto sin, and in coming forth may as certainly arise to lives of righteousness and faith, the spirit bearing witness of the blood of Christ which cleanseth from all sin; and when the ordinance is performed for the dead, that they may realize its efficacy as if they had received it themselves while in the flesh, and be judged in like manner.
We dedicate and consecrate unto Thee and the service of Thy Saints, the lower and upper main courts, with all other apartments in this building which are sheltered by its roof, according to the various uses for which they have been designed, with their stands, their altars, their desks, the stairs by which they are reached, their doors and windows, their hangings and fastenings, together with floors, partitions, ceilings, finishings, furnishings and ornamentations, also all apparatus and fixtures for ventilating, warming, lighting and seating the same, whether they are for public worship, administering in the holy sacraments and ordinances of this Holy Temple or for private prayer and secret devotion; also all rooms that are used for study and learning words of wisdom from the best books, or by lectures and the experience of righteous and learned men able to teach the will and ways of the Lord, all these we dedicate unto Thee that all may be most holy and acceptable unto the Lord our God.
Wilt Thou accept and bless these sacred altars which have been erected by the offerings of Thy devoted Saints? And when Thy people shall approach Thee in Thine own appointed way, then do Thou hearken and hear their supplications; grant them deliverance from their adversaries; succor them in their temptations; give them knowledge of the ancestry of their generations that they may go forth in the holiness and power of Thine ordinances and as saviors on Mt. Zion redeem the generations of their dead and bring many sons and daughters unto Thee in Thy kingdom.
When Thy sons and daughters shall desire to plight their faith with each other unto Thee in a covenant of everlasting life and shall obtain admittance here in Thy holy courts, then O Lord, be pleased to accept their offerings; sanctify them, that they may be clean from all unrighteousness; clothe Thy servants with the habiliments of the Priesthood, and here at the shrine of Thy love seal them Thine by Thy Holy Spirit of promise until the day of their redemption, the resurrection of their bodies, as purchased by the blood of Christ Thy Son. May this holy Temple be to them as one of the gates of heaven, opening into the straight and narrow path that leads to endless lives and eternal dominion.
We dedicate the stands in the eastern portion of the building for the occupancy and ministration of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood, which has the keys of all spiritual blessings, is of the order of Thy Son Jesus Christ, and holds the power of endless lives.
We also consecrate the stands in the west of the building for the occupancy and ministration of the Aaronic Priesthood, which is an appendage to the Melchizedek Priesthood and holds the keys of temporal blessings.
We beseech Thee, our Heavenly Father, to inspire Thy ministering servants who shall instruct Thy people from these stands, that they may rightly divide the words of truth and give to each member of Thine household his portion of meat in due season, that from the treasures of Thy store house the riches of eternal life may exalt Thy children to a knowledge of Thyself.
May he who shall preside over the ministrations in this holy Temple, and all who labor with him, be greatly blessed with the understanding of Thy perfect law and all the applications thereof to the conditions of Thy people. When any difficult matter shall require his consideration, may the voice of Thy Holy Spirit give to him the revelations of Thy will, that all the ministrations of this Thy House and all the ordinances performed may be sanctioned in heaven, Thy holy habitation.
We dedicate to Thee the records which are and shall be kept of all the ordinances administered here in this Temple. May the recorders who shall have the care and labor of making and keeping them be abundantly blessed with wisdom and knowledge, that the same may be truthfully and faithfully kept and be found worthy of all acceptation, that Thy people may be righteously judged according to all that shall be written therein. We earnestly pray that they may be preserved most holy unto Thee from all violence and desecration, until they shall have accomplished the full object and purpose of their creation.
O Lord God of our fathers, of the prophets, and of Thy people, we beseech Thee accept the dedication of this Temple, with all that appertains to it, including the foundation and the towers thereof, unto Thyself.
May this delightful location be known as a holy hill of Zion, among Thy people. Graciously be pleased to place Thy name upon this House. Let the power of Thy Spirit be felt by all who shall enter within its portals. Give Thine angels charge concerning it, that it shall never be possessed by Thine enemies, neither be defiled by the wicked and ungoldly, nor even be injured by any destructive elements, but grant that it may stand and endure as a monument of the obedience and love of Thy people, and to the honor of Thy holy name for ages yet to come in holiness to the Lord.
We praise Thee for Thy goodness in enabling Thy servants to translate and send abroad the fulness of Thy Gospel as contained in the Book of Mormon into so many languages of the various nations of the earth; do Thou bless the humble efforts of Thy faithful servants in all the various peoples and tongues among whom it has penetrated that they may bear a faithful testimony of the truth that has sprung out of the ground, and of the righteousness that has looked down from heaven.
Have Thou mercy upon Judah and Jerusalem; hasten the going forth of this sacred record to the Hebrews of all nations; raise up men and means to carry the glad tidings of Thy returning favor to that afflicted people. Wilt Thou hear and answer the prayers of Thy servants and turn away the barrenness of their land? Make it very fertile as in days of old; turn the hearts of the exiles to Thy promises made to their fathers, and let the land of Jerusalem become inhabited as towns without walls for the multitude of men and cattle therein, that they may rebuild their city and temple, that the glory of the later house may be greater than that of the former house.
We render thanks and praise to Thy holy name for the measure of Thy Spirit sent forth among the scattered remnants of the seed of Joseph; that they are pleased and comforted at hearing of the record of their fathers; that, where they have opportunity, they incline to the arts of peace and self support. O, may the power of the Gospel, through obedience, enable them to be relieved from the terrible curse which is upon them, break forth into the light of Zion, and obtain a fulfillment of the promises made unto their fathers.
We beseech Thee, let Thy peculiar blessings rest upon Thy servants, the Twelve Apostles, according to the arduous and important labor and presidency which have developed upon them by the death of Thy servant, President John Taylor. Wilt Thou strengthen Thy servant who is called to preside over them and the Church with continual inspiration of the Holy Spirit; preserve him in health, accept the labors of his life and fill him with the spirit and power of his holy apostleship. May the apostles be united in the bond of perfectness with each other and prevail with Thee for abundance and richness of Thy word, to dispense to Thy people. Preserve them from the hands of their enemies until they shall accomplish their work. Give them power to send Thy Gospel to all nations, kindreds, tongues and peoples, to gather Thine elect from all lands, to build up Thy Zion and establish Thy righteousness in the earth, and to attain to the power of their calling and apostleship in the flesh.
O Lord, bless the Patriarchs whom Thou hast appointed in the land of Zion. May they have power to seal blessings upon Thy people by inspiration, as did the ancient fathers, that their blessings may be fulfilled upon the heads of their descendants and of Thy people.
Bless the Seventies with their Presidency, to magnify their calling in all lands where their lots may be cast, or where they may be appointed to labor, that Thine Elders may praise Thee and all the ends of the earth hear of the salvation of our God.
Bless those who preside over the various missions in all the earth, that they may dispense the Gospel by all proper means within their reach, by writing, by publishing, by sending Thine Elders to all places where the word of God may have free course and be glorified by the obedience of the honest in heart.
Endow Thou Thy servants, the High Priests, with all the gifts and qualifications of their holy calling.
We pray Thee to bless the Stakes of Zion which Thou hast established. May their Presidents, Counselors, High Councils, with the High Priests, the Seventies, the Elders and all that constitute the authorities of Thy Church, abide in the revelation of Thy Will, that Zion may lengthen her cords and strengthen her stakes in all righteousness.
Enable the Bishops and High Councils to decree justice and judgments in equity and truth, that the Wards and Stakes of Zion may be built up in holiness, that we may be Thy people and Thou be our God. Bless with them the Priests, Teachers and Deacons, the standing ministry to Thy Church, that they may be vigilant to put away iniquity from Thy Church, that Thou mayest bestow upon Thy people the fulness of Thy favor, Thine everlasting love.
We pray for Thy blessing upon the Relief Societies, the Young Ladies’ and Young Men’s Associations, the Sabbath Schools, and the Primaries, with all those who are appointed to superintend and preside over them; that they may be abundantly blessed in relieving the sufferings of the destitute and sorrowful, arresting the wayward, and inspiring them with love for pure intelligence, and educating them in the way of life and faith, that our youth may find Thee early, and the aged be established in Thy righteousness forever.
We dedicate ourselves, with our wives, our children, our houses and lands, our flocks and herds, our gardens and vineyards, with all that we are and have, unto Thee, the Lord our God, for time and for all eternity, and for the accomplishment of the work which Thou hast given us to do.
Heavenly Father, Thou hast seen the labors of Thy Saints in the building of this House. Their motives and their exertions are all known to Thee. The hearts of the children of men and every thought thereof are open to Thy sight. Thy people have sought to do Thy will in rearing and adorning this great structure. They have contributed freely of the means which Thou hast given them for its erection, and the hands of the committee and of the superintendent and assistant superintendent have been strengthened and their hearts been gladdened thereby. Even the children of Thy people have shown delight in helping to purchase the curtains, the carpets and the furniture of this House. We this day present it to Thee, O Lord our God, as the fruit of the tithings and free will offerings of Thy people. Accept this, we beseech Thee, and let Thy choice blessings rest down upon every man, woman and child who has contributed to the building and adorning of this Temple. Bless them with increased faith and with all the blessings of heaven and earth in due season; that in heavenly gifts, in their basket and in their store, in their children, in their flocks and in their herds, in their fruits of the earth, and in the conveniences and comforts of life, they may abound and ever increase. If there are any of Thy people, O Father, who have not had the means to assist in this work, but have felt in their hearts to sustain it and to say that they gave not because they had not, but would gladly give if they had, let these same blessings rest down upon them also, and condescend to accept the desires of their hearts as free-will offerings unto Thee. Show favor unto all who have helped to forward this work by good wishes, good words or good deeds. Remember Thou and bless, we entreat Thee, the committee, and the architect and superintendent, and his assistant superintendent, and all the workmen and their foremen in every department who have labored in preparing the ground upon which the House stands, or the materials of which it is composed, or in constructing and bringing it to completion. Reward them, we ask Thee, for their faithfulness and diligence, and grant that the recollection of their labors may be a source of pleasure to them and their children after them.
O Lord God, who dwellest in the heaven of heavens, look down from Thy holy habitation, we beseech Thee, in great mercy and tender compassion upon Thy Zion which Thou hast founded. We turn to Thee with all our hearts for that help and succor which Thou alone canst give. We are beset with peril. We are surrounded with danger. The powers of evil are aroused against us. The foes of Thy Zion are numerous and mighty, while Thy people are but few and feeble. Floods of falsehood, slander and unjust accusations sweep over the land, concerning Thy Saints. By these means many of our fellow-citizens have been poisoned against us. They have urged the enactment of laws to ensnare us, to confiscate the property which we have constructed unto Thee, and to overflow the plan of salvation which Thou hast revealed to us. Through the delusion of lies and the binding effect of prejudice, our fellow-citizens would deny us our rights, would consign us to prison, would wrest from us our property, would threaten us with utter destruction.
Holy Father, Thou knowest how false are the accusations against us. We appeal to Thee for deliverance. Turn aside the wrath of man. Break the bands which encircle us. Destroy the traps which are spread for our feet. Let the light of eternal truth shine upon us and illumine our pathway. Vindicate us by Thy power, and let not the wicked aspersions of our enemies prevail. Show to the world, especially to our nation, the true character of Thy people. Enlighten the minds of the officers of our government, soften their hearts, and give them power to check all spirit of persecution and disposition to justify oppression and approve of unjust judgments. Help them to comprehend the true principles of liberty and to enforce the same for the benefit of all people throughout the land. Open their eyes to see the wrongs that are being committed against Thy people. Awaken them to a sense of justice. Give to the Chief Executive, to his cabinet and to the Congress and the courts of our nation, the firmness, courage and comprehension of justice necessary to maintain just and righteous government in the land, that all the people may rejoice.
Restrain and control the words and acts of preachers, lecturers and writers who endeavor to create anger and hostility against They people. Take from all such the power to blind the eyes of the nation by misrepresentation and falsehood, or to inflame the people to sanction acts of anger against the innocent.
As Thou hast in the past overruled the violence of mobs and the cruelty of the wicked for the glory of Thy name and the salvation of Thy people, we ask Thee, Righteous Father, to so control this present persecution that Thy purposes may be accomplished in the redemption of Thy Zion. Be with and sustain Thy people in their afflictions. In their imprisonments, in their exile, in the unjust confiscation of their property and in the endurance of all the wrongs to which they are subjected, give them grace and patience and fortitude. May no murmuring at Thy providences ever escape their lips. Reveal to Thy people the salvation which awaits us.
O God, before Thee in this Thy Holy House, do we this day confess our sins. We acknowledge our shortcomings and imperfections. We are full of faults and errors. We accept the afflictions which we are now enduring as being permitted by Thee to make us more worthy of our high calling. We humbly pray Thee to forgive us. Blot out our transgressions, that they shall not appear against us any more. Condescend to let Thy favor and the light of Thy countenance rest upon us. Make known Thy will more and more plainly unto all Thy Saints. Uphold us in all righteousness as the people whom Thou hast chosen. Suffer us not to be put to shame; but show the inhabitants of the earth the truth of our testimony concerning Thee and Thy work.
Now, Holy Father, we ask Thee in the name of Jesus Christ, Thy beloved Son, to hear and answer this our prayer. We entreat Thee to accept this dedication of this House. Sanctify it and make it holy. The ordinances performed therein by Thy servants and handmaids, may they be in Thy sight as though performed by Thyself.
And to Thy name be the honor and glory and praise for ever and ever, through Jesus Christ, our Reedeemer, Amen. 8
- By Franklin D. Richards, Genealogical Magazine, Vol. 15:148
- J. Hatten Carpenter, Manti, Utah, May 10, 1940
- –Victor J. Rasmussen, The Manti Temple Centennial: 1888-1988, Manti, UT: Manti Temple Centennial Committee 1988, printed by Community Press, Provo, UT, pg. 5.
- By President Anthon H. Lund.
- Millennial Star, Vol. 50, No. 26, p. 405.
- Life of Heber C. Kimball, by Elder Orson F. Whitney, page 447.
- N. B. Lundwall, Temples of the Most High [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1993], 112.
- Millennial Star, Vol. 50, No. 25, pp. 385-392.