Answer the Call
For Our Day Parallel
CHURCH: Freedom and the Restored Gospel prepare the people for the reestablishment of the true Church of Jesus Christ.
Book of
Church of Christ organized by Alma, c. 147 B.C.
Our Day
Church of Christ organized by Joseph Smith, 1830
Lesson 21: Joseph Smith & Alma’s Church—Restoration & Persecution
Part 2: Limhi & the American Civil War: Captivity & Repentance
Part 3: Alma & the Utah War Pioneers: Divine Rescue

Set the Course

Embark on the Journey
Monthly “I Am a Latter-day Nephite” Theme!
I will humbly repent and turn my heart to my Nephite, Israelite, and Patriarchal forefathers.
Remember: While you absolutely may do every activity suggested if you would like, it is certainly not needed, nor are you limited by the ideas given here. Choose one or more that will work with your learning style, available time, or the group that you are working with. Even if you are an adult, don’t hesitate to choose an activity originally aimed at children—those can be the most fun!
Feel free to run with any other ideas that come to your mind! Allow the Lord to guide you in choosing the best activities for you. The ultimate goal is to engage with the material and become a “doer of the word.”
- If this is your first week here, welcome! Please review our “Welcome & How to Join the Quest” for some helpful information on how to use this resource. You may also want to check out the Embark on the Journey section of Lesson 1 for some activities that will be helpful in getting you started on this quest. In particular, you’ll want a journal, and perhaps the “I Am a Latter-day Nephite” resolution and a fun Book of Mormon reading chart. Just start where you are in the year—don’t feel like you have to backtrack and do every lesson, but grab these helpful tools and you’ll be good to go from here!
- If you choose to download or purchase a designed cardstock version of the “I’m a Latter-day Nephite” resolution, you may want to post it where you will see it every day—on the fridge or your mirror, for example. Ponder on this month’s statement “I will humbly repent and turn my heart to my Nephite, Israelite, and Patriarchal forefathers.”
- Watch a virtual tour of the David Whitmer farm, where the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized on April 6, 1830.
- Explore virtual tours of other historical sites significant to the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. You could do this for Family Home Evening, in your class or quorums, or gather friends and family together to go on a “virtual field trip”.
- Study D&C 87. You could read more about this section and the prophecy of the Civil War in Revelations in Context. Consider what verse 8 means to you. Here are some questions you could ponder on and answer in your journal.
- Where are the holy places?
- What does it mean to stand and be not moved?
- Consider a correlation between this verse and Ephesians 6:13.
- This revelation was received in 1832 and it says “the day of the Lord…cometh quickly”. It’s been almost 200 years. What does the Lord mean when He says He comes quickly?
- Do reading prophecies of the Last Days alarm you or fill you with fear? How does the protection afforded by standing in holy places comfort you and bring hope?
- “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” was written by Julia Ward Howe during the Civil War. Read the history of the hymn and study the lyrics. The current hymn book of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints only has 3 of the 4 verses. You can find all four verses at Hymnary.
- Find a version of this song that you love and add it to your For Our Day playlist. Here is a powerful version performed by the Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square and the West Point Band.
- As a family, class or with friends, act out one or more of the deliverance stories discussed in the podcast. You could follow this activity up with the following discussion.
- On our own or in your family or class, consider the two deliverances of the Nephites discussed in the podcast and their corresponding parallels in our day. Reflect on times in your life that you have found deliverance from God. When has His deliverance required significant effort on your part and when has it been a miraculous deliverance? How have each type of deliverance impacted your testimony and your growth?
- Look on FamilySearch or ask your parents, grandparents, or someone older in your family about their stories of deliverance or those of an ancestor. Make sure that the stories are recorded and uploaded into FamilySearch.
- Create something in any medium or form (art, music, dance, poetry, creative writing) that tells a story of deliverance in your life. Share it with others, maybe on social media, and upload it as a memory in FamilySearch.
Unless otherwise stated, reference to any products, services, hypertext link to third parties or other information by trade name, trademark, supplier or otherwise does not constitute or imply its endorsement or sponsorship by us. They are for convenience only.

All Hands on Deck
- Pray each morning this week for the Lord to give you an opportunity to share your thoughts on the Book of Mormon and/or what you’ve learned this week with someone.
- Join the For Our Day community on social media for uplifting shareable content, ideas on how to implement For Our Day in your home and classes, and to connect with others on the journey. You can find us here: Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
- Whenever possible this week, ask someone you are with to tell you the story of a time when they were delivered or share one of your experiences.

Find the Treasure
Content coming soon!