Answer the Call
Lesson 14: Restoring Virtue & Chastity in a Shattered World
Jacob’s sermon to the Nephites strongly warns against the dangers of immorality, but how do we help our youth build up the good and overcome temptation? In this more informal and candid podcast, Hannah Stoddard shares personal experiences that left an impact in striving to remain chaste and better understand God’s vision for Celestial romantic relationships.

Set the Course
Jane Austen's Novels
In Hannah Stoddard’s podcast, she mentioned using Jane Austen’s literature as an effective tool to teach our children principles of virtue, nobility, refinement, and character. Please note that some Hollywood film adaptations are not appropriate and communities such as Austenite/Janeite ‘fan clubs,’ worship of “Mr. Darcy,” etc. hijack and are not in harmony with the original vision and message of her books. However, we highly recommend her books and some film adaptations that are true to her original plots!
- Mansfield Park (Book, 1814)
- Sense and Sensibility (Book, 1811)
- Sense and Sensiblity (Film, 1995, starring Emma Thompson)
- Pride and Prejudice (Film, 1995)
- Persuasion (Film, 1971)
- Persuasion (Film, 2007)
- Pride and Prejudice (Film, 1995)
- Emma (Film, 1996, starring Kate Beckinsale)
- Persuasion (Film, 1995)
- Emma (Book, 1816)
- Pride and Prejudice (Book, 1813)
- Northanger Abbey (Book, 1818)
- Persuasion (Book, 1817)
Restoring Virtue
In 1914, President Joseph F. Smith, the son of Hyrum Smith, gave a significant prophecy warning future members of the Church:
There are at least three dangers that threaten the Church within, and the authorities need to awaken to the fact that the people should be warned unceasingly against them. As I see these, they are flattery of prominent men in the world, false educational ideas, and sexual impurity.
President Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, pp. 312-313.
President Smith’s words can now be seen as heartbreakingly prophetic as we battle the epidemic of pornography, sexual immorality, addiction and other related temptations in our day, especially among members of the Church. However, there is a growing movement of men and women who are fighting for a better culture—standing up for virtue and true principles of love and marriage. Two recommended movies to inspire you are included below: Fireproof and Princess Cut.
Music’s Connection to Sexual Morality
James F. Stoddard, founder of the Joseph Smith Foundation, firmly believed that compromising standards of music has significantly contributed to the increase in immorality and weakness in resisting sexual temptation today. In 1988, Elder Gene R. Cook reported a conversation with rock music artist Mick Jagger wherein Jagger admitted, “Our music is calculated to drive the kids to sex.”1 Ezra Taft Benson, Harold B. Lee, David O. McKay and Boyd K. Packer all prophetically warned Latter-day Saint youth regarding the dangers of rock music, the off beat and back beat, etc.

Embark on the Journey
Monthly “I Am a Latter-day Nephite” Theme!
I will defend marriage, the family, and sacred Priesthood covenants as ordained by God.
Remember: While you absolutely may do every activity suggested if you would like, it is certainly not needed, nor are you limited by the ideas given here. Choose one or more that will work with your learning style, available time, or the group that you are working with. Even if you are an adult, don’t hesitate to choose an activity originally aimed at children—those can be the most fun!
Feel free to run with any other ideas that come to your mind! Allow the Lord to guide you in choosing the best activities for you. The ultimate goal is to engage with the material and become a “doer of the word.”
- If this is your first week here, welcome! Please review our “Welcome & How to Join the Quest” for some helpful information on how to use this resource. You may also want to check out the Embark on the Journey section of Lesson 1 for some activities that will be helpful in getting you started on this quest. In particular, you’ll want a journal, and perhaps the “I Am a Latter-day Nephite” resolution and a fun Book of Mormon reading chart. Just start where you are in the year—don’t feel like you have to backtrack and do every lesson, but grab these helpful tools and you’ll be good to go from here!
- If you choose to download or purchase a designed cardstock version of the “I’m a Latter-day Nephite” resolution, you may want to post it where you will see it every day—on the fridge or your mirror, for example. Ponder on this month’s statement “I will defend marriage, the family, and sacred Priesthood covenants as ordained by God.”
- Record in your journal any thoughts or impressions you had while reading the lesson today. Some prompts to get you started:
- How have you seen virtue and chastity disintegrate in society over your lifetime?
- What are some things you can start or stop doing to fortify yourself, your family, and your circle of influence against this disintegration?
- What are your thoughts on music and its influence? Do you think that the beat matters? How do you feel when you listen to different types of music?
- “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” is a prophetic document that boldly declares many truths pertaining to families. Paragraph 4 discusses procreation and sexual intimacy. TheFamilyProclamation.org has many resources listed out for an in-depth study of this topic including scriptures, scholarship, stories, lesson plans, and more. You can also print a cross-referenced version of The Family: A Proclamation to the World to insert into your scriptures.
- Expand your musical tastes and try out some new music. Here are some resources to get you started:
- Seek out inspiring music and add to your current For Our Day playlist or create a new playlist on your favorite music platform.
- Commit to doing a “music fast” and only listen to classical or other inspiring music without a rock or backbeat for a week or two. Reflect how you felt during your fast and record it in your journal.
Unless otherwise stated, reference to any products, services, hypertext link to third parties or other information by trade name, trademark, supplier or otherwise does not constitute or imply its endorsement or sponsorship by us. They are for convenience only.

All Hands on Deck
- Pray each morning this week for the Lord to give you an opportunity to share your thoughts on the Book of Mormon and/or what you’ve learned this week with someone.
- Join the For Our Day community on social media for uplifting shareable content, ideas on how to implement For Our Day in your home and classes, and to connect with others on the journey. You can find us here: Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
- Share a new favorite classical piece or your inspiring music playlist on social media #ForOurDay.
- Gather a group of family or friends to do a “music fast” with. You can share songs or playlists with one another and get together at the end to talk about your experience.

Find the Treasure
Content coming soon!