The following is a res-posting of Joseph Smith Foundation Facebook posts from October – December 2014.
December 6, 2014

Upcoming Presentation in Idaho Falls!
The Joseph Smith Foundation will be offering a free presentation at the Kimber Academy in Idaho Falls. All are invited! Feel welcome to let any friends or family know. The presentation will be given by Jayson Kunzler.
Come explore fascinating parallels between principles and events in the Book of Mormon and our day. As Mormon and latter-day prophets have testified, the Book of Mormon was inspired and each word carefully chosen to be used by us to discern and give the solutions for the subtle deceptions of these last days.
Friday, December 19th
7:00 p.m.
Kimber Academy
1645 Woodruff Park Dr.
Idaho falls, ID 83401
Cami 208-569-5016
melissa 208-569-0023
November 27, 2014
Enjoy this variety of movies, stories and primary source documents to enrich your Thanksgiving this year! Celebrate the true foundations of America!
November 25, 2014
Do you want your children to appreciate the sacrifice and legacy of the early colonizers of America? Enjoy this biographical film depicting the story of William Penn, his fight for religious freedom in England and the ultimate founding of Pennsylvania.
Did you know that you can help support the Joseph Smith Foundation through your online purchases for free? The next time you want to shop online, please follow this Amazon link. You don’t pay anything extra and Amazon will give a portion of your online purchase amount back to the Joseph Smith Foundation!
November 23, 2014
Did John Robinson, the pastor of the Pilgrims, look forward to the Restoration and teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith?
November 18, 2014
The Joseph Smith Foundation is pleased to share with you our latest addition to our collection of resources: Journal of Discourses Online. It includes an indexed search and listings by volume, speakers, pages and reporters.
Every other online version of the Journal of Discourses is run by detractors of the Church. Please forward this link to friends and family and encourage them to use a site that supports the Presidents of the Church!
November 10, 2014
Can the Book of Mormon change the opinions of college students on government, socialism & communism? Watch this free clip from the DVD For Our Day Divinely Sanctioned Governments!
November 2, 2014
What is Satanism? Why do Satanists and the Occult desecrate holy symbols? See this free video clip from the documentary Statesmen and Symbols: Prelude to the Restoration!
October 30, 2014
Whether you decide to celebrate Halloween or not, please become educated so that you can make an informed decision for your family.
Also, please see our Satan & the Occult FAQs to learn what prophets and Presidents of the Church have taught on these subjects.
October 21, 2014
Invite as many friends and families as they can, to start reading the 5000 Year leap starting this Monday, before the end of the year.
The 5000 Year Leap, was written by W. Cleon Skousen, who discovered 28sound principles of government, that is woven in the Constitution, and Declaration of Independence. These principles are biblical principles and are what made our country jump 5000 years! Once you read these- you are AWAKEN to our awful situation!
We ask that starting on Monday you share pictures of your family with the book, on Facebook and share what you are learning! Use the hashtags #spreadliberty and #floodthe5000!
October 16, 2014
“The life and labors of President Joseph Fielding Smith were characterized by three things:
“1. His love of the Lord and the absolute, unswerving fidelity with which he sought to signify that love by keeping his commandments and doing ever those things which would please the Lord.
“2. His loyalty to the Prophet Joseph Smith and the everlasting truths restored through him; to his grandfather, the Patriarch Hyrum Smith, … [who] met a martyr’s death; and to his father, President Joseph F. Smith, whose name is enshrined forever in the celestial city as one who endured valiantly in the cause of him whose blood was shed that we might live.
“3. His own gospel scholarship and spiritual insight; his own unwearying diligence as a preacher of righteousness; and his own course of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the widow and the fatherless, and manifesting pure religion by precept as well as by example.” (Bruce R. McConkie, “Joseph Fielding Smith: Apostle, Prophet, Father in Israel,” Ensign, Aug. 1972, 28.)
October 2, 2014
The Joseph Smith Foundation will be speaking at the Do It Now Expo (UVU Events Center–Orem) next Friday and Saturday, October 9-11.
Friday, Oct. 10, 9:00 a.m.: “Prophetically Foretelling Latter-day Events: Unraveling the Latter-day Signs of the Times with Types and Shadows from the Book of Mormon”.
Saturday, Oct. 11, 11:30 a.m.: “Advanced Statesmen & Symbols: Freemasonry, the Servant, Temple Symbolism and Astronomical Events.”
These presentations will cover new, ground-breaking material on the last days, symbolism, Joseph Smith, the future of America and more!