Delight in Being Honest — Joseph Smith (September 22, 1835)
My heart is full of desire to day, to be blessed of the God, of Abraham; with prosperity, untill I will be able to pay all my de[b]ts; for it is the delight of my soul to be honest. Oh Lord that thou knowes right well! help me and I will give to the poor.
Journal, 1835–1836, p. 1, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Despite Hunger, Don’t Steal — Willard Richards (October 15, 1843)
I never stole the value of a pins head or a picayune in my life. & when you are hungry dont steal.— come to me & I will feed you.
Discourse, 15 October 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 134, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Liars Rebuked & Warned — Thomas Bullock (May 12, 1844)
I feel in the name of the Lord, to rebuke all such bad principles, liars &c and I warn all of you to look out who you are going after— I exhort you to give heed to all the virtue and the teachings which I have given you; all men who are immortal, dwell in everlasting burnings; you cannot go any where, but where God can find you out;
Discourse, 12 May 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock, p. 2, The Joseph Smith Papers.