For Our Day: Divinely Sanctioned Governments

The For Our Day documentary series explores the prophetic parallels in the Book of Mormon referencing statements from latter-day prophets of God and the Standard Works. For Our Day: Divinely Sanctioned Governments compares the Nephite and Latter-day governments of liberty.

Did Mormon use the government of liberty in the Book of Mormon to foreshadow our divinely sanctioned Constitutional Republic? Is there a link between the American founding principles and ancient Israel? Is there irrefutable evidence of God’s providential hand in the founding and continuation of the American nation? Does the Book of Mormon foreshadow our latter-day world in ways we have never before supposed? Why are statements by George Washington and Captain Moroni nearly identical?

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Disc includes two documentaries:

Part I: Foundations (45 min)

Laws of Mosiah, Unalienable Rights, Bible, Federalism, Christian Architecture, Israel, Title of Liberty, Checks and Balances, U.S. Seal and historical revisionism.

Part II: Forsaking (45 min)

New Deal, Socialism, Oath of Office, Washington’s Oath, Divine Constitution, Nephite Judges, Broken Covenants.

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