Sons of Levi, Holding Keys of the First Principles of the Gospel, Are Heirs to Aaronic Priesthood by Lineage — Martha Jane Knowlton Coray (March 21, 1841)
Joseph Read the 2 & 3d Chapters of Malichi & stated that there was a preistHood Confered upon the sons of Levi throughout the Jenerations of the Jews, & he also said they was born heirs to that prestHood By Linage or Decent & held the Keys of the first principles of the Gospel — for this — he quoted concerning Jesus coming to John to be Baptized of Jhon that he (Jesus) Might Enter into the Kingdom as Jhon held the Keys, suffer it to be so now &c he also Brought up Zacharias pleading with the Lord in the temple that he might have seed so that the preistHood might be preserved
Discourse, circa 21 March 1841, as Reported by William P. McIntire, p. 17, The Joseph Smith Papers.
John the Baptist Lawful Heir to Priesthood as a Levite — Martha Jane Knowlton Coray (March 21, 1841)
Took up Jhon shewed him to be a Levite 4 and proceed The voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord and make his paths straight Now it was written that the priests lips should keep knowledge and to them should the people seek for understanding and above all the law binds them and us to receive the word of the Lord at the hands of the Levites therefore Jhon being Lawful heir to the Levitical Priesthood the people were bound to receive his testimony.
Discourse, circa 21 March 1841, as Reported by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray, pp. 23-24, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Sons of Levi Purged & Refined in the Last Days — Martha Jane Knowlton Coray (March 21, 1841)
Malachi 4th chap And he shall purify the sons of Levi &c yes brethren the Lord will purify the sons of Levi good or bad for it is through them that blessings flow to Israel and as Israel once was baptized in the cloud and in the sea so shall God as a refiners fire and a Fullers soap Purge purify the sons of Levi and purge them as Gold and as silver & then and not till then shall the offering of Judah & Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord as in days of old and as in former years
Discourse, circa 21 March 1841, as reported by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray, p. 27, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Descendants of Aaron Inherit Right to Aaronic Priesthood by Lineage — James Burgess (July 23, 1843)
Luke 16 chap 16 verse. The Law and the Prophets were untill John since then the Kingdom of Heaven is preached and all men press into it. We will go back to Mount Scinia where Jesus gave the Law to Moses Exodus 30 chap 30 verse also the last chap 15 verse. The preisthood was given to Aron and his posterity throughout all generations We can trace the leanage down to Zachariah he being the only lawfull administrator in his day and the jews knew it well for they always acknowledge the priesthood, and Zachariah having no children, knew that the promise of God must fail, consequently he went into the Temple to wrestle with God according to the order of the preisthood to obtain a promise of a son, and when the Angel told him that his promise was granted he because of unbelief was struck dumb.
Discourse, 23 July 1843, as Reported by James Burgess, pp. 12-13, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Sons of Levi will Offer An Offering of Righteousness in the Last Days — James Burgess (August 27, 1843)
Malachi says that the sons of Levi shall in the last days offer an offering in rightousness
Discourse, 27 August 1843, as Reported by James Burgess, p. 16, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Levitical Priesthood an Appendage to Melchizedek Priesthood — James Burgess (August 27, 1843)
The levitical preisthood was an appendage to the Melchesideck preisthood or the whole law of God when in full face or power in all its parts and bearings on the earth.
Discourse, 27 August 1843, as Reported by James Burgess, pp. 15-16, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Hierarchy of Priesthood of Levi, Abraham, and Melchizedek — James Burgess (August 27, 1843)
The preisthood of Levi consisted of cursings and carnal commandments and not of blessings and if the preisthood of this generation has no more power than that of Levi or Aron or of a bishhoprick it administers no blessings but cursings for it was an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I ask was there any sealing power attending this preisthood. that would admit a man into the presence of God. Oh no, but Abraham’s was a more exalted power or preisthood he could talk and walk with God and yet consider how great this man was when even this patriarch Abraham gave a tenth part of all his spoils and then received a blessing under the hands of Melchesideck even the last law or a fulness of the law or preisthood which constituted him a king and preist after the order of Melchesideck or an endless life Now if Abraham had been like the sectarian world and would not have received any more revelation, what would have been the consequence it would have damned him. Book of Covenants.
Discourse, 27 August 1843, as Reported by James Burgess, pp. 14-15, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Melchizedek Greatest Priesthood, Abraham’s Priesthood Next, and Levitical Last — James Burgess (August 27, 1843)
Hebrewes 7 chap. Paul is here treating of three different preisthoods, namely the preisthood of A[a]ron, Abraham, and Melchizedeck, Abraham’s preisthood was of greater power than Levi’s and Melchizedeck’s was of greater power than that of Abraham.
Discourse, 27 August 1843, as Reported by James Burgess, p. 14, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Levitical Priesthood One of the Three Grand Orders of Priesthood — Franklin D. Richards (August 27, 1843)
There are 3 grand principles or orders of Priesthood portrayed in this chapter
1st Levitical which was neve[r] able to administer a Blessing but only to bind heavy burdens which neither they nor their fath wer[e] able to bear.
Discourse, 27 August 1843, as Reported by Franklin D. Richards, pp. 25-26, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Notes About Levitical Priesthood — Willard Richards (August 27, 1843)
told an anecdote of the Episcopali[a]n pri[e]st— who said he had the pr[i]esthood of A[a]ron— but not of Melichsedch [Melchizedek]— and bore this testimony that I never have found the man who claimed the pri[e]sthood of Melchisideck.
The law was given under Aaron for the purpose of pouring out Jud[g]ments— and destructi[o]ns.
3 grand orders of pri[e]sthood referred to there . . .
3d Priesthood. Levitical Prest
Pri[e]sts made without an oath but the Pr[i]esthood of Melchisedek is by oath and cov[e]nant.
Holy Ghost.
Discourse, 27 August 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, pp. 71-74, The Joseph Smith Papers.