KINGDOM OF HEAVEN (Teachings of Joseph Smith)

New Translation of Definition of Kingdom of Heaven — James Burgess (July 23, 1843)

[And from the days of John the Baptist until now,] The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by for[c]e. [Matthew 11:12] 

Now I will translate a little, the kingdom of heaven hath power and authority and by that they take or enter legally and lawfully the kingdom of heaven.

Discourse, 23 July 1843, as Reported by James Burgess, p. 10, The Joseph Smith Papers. See also, alternative version by Franklin D. Richards which states, “the rendering the Texts is ‘The Kingdom continueth in authority or Law & the Authority or legality (which belonged to John) took it by force or wrested it from the Jews to be delivered to a Nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.'” (Discourse, 23 July 1843, as Reported by Franklin D. Richards, p. 23, The Joseph Smith Papers)
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