John the Baptist a Lawful Heir to Aaronic Priesthood as a Levite— Martha Jane Knowlton Coray (March 21, 1841)
Took up Jhon John shewed him to be a Levite and proceeded The voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord and make his paths strait Now it was written that the priests lips should keep knowledge, and to them should the people seek for understanding and above all the law binds them and us to receive the word of the Lord at the hands of the Levites therefore Jhon being Lawful heir to the Levitical Priesthood the people were bound to receive his testimony. Hence the saying the Kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force after Jhon had been testifying of Jesus for some time Jesus came unto him for baptism Jhon felt that the honor of baptizing his master was too great a thing grater than he could claim and said I have need to be baptized of thee and comest thou to me Jesus replied thus it behooveth us to fulfill all righteousness thus signifying to Jhon the claim of the Aronic priesthood which holds the keys of enterance into the Kingdom. Then the three signs which were given were conclusive The dove which sat upon his shoulder was a sure testimony that he was of God
Discourse, circa 21 March 1841, as Reported by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray, pp. 23-25, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Authority of Aaronic Priesthood from John the Baptist — Martha Jane Knowlton Coray (March 21, 1841)
All the Authority that we have is from Jhon The Law is not changed nor the ordinances
Discourse, circa 21 March 1841, as reported by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray, p. 27, The Joseph Smith Papers.
John Great Because He Baptized Christ — Martha Jane Knowlton Coray (March 21, 1841)
Jhon was great in that he baptized Jesus and for this cause Jesus saith “Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than Jhon the baptist— But again he says from the days of Jhon the Batist [Baptist] till the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent taketh it by force
Discourse, circa 21 March 1841, as Reported by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray, p. 26, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Jesus Unable to Enter Kingdom Except Through Administration of John — Martha Jane Knowlton Coray (March 21, 1841)
Jhon felt that the honor of baptizing his master was too great a thing grater than he could claim and said I have need to be baptized of thee and comest thou to me Jesus repled thus it behooveth us to fulfill all righteousness thus signifying to Jhon the claim of the Aronic priesthood which holds the keys of enterance into the Kingdom. . . .
Jesus as I said could not enter except by the administration of Jhon. Although Jhon was not a restorer but a forerunner . . .
Discourse, circa 21 March 1841, as Reported by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray, pp. 26-27, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Levites Heirs to Priesthood by Lineage as Seen in the Example of John the Baptist — William P. McIntire (March 21, 1841)
Joseph Read the 2 & 3d. Chapters of Malichi & stated that there was a priestHood Confered upon all the sons of Levi throughout the Jeneration of the Jews & he also said they beCome heirs to that pristHood By Linage or Decent & held the Keys of the first principles of the Gospel— for this— he quoted concerning Jesus coming to John to be Baptized of John that he (Jesus) might Enter into the Kingdom as John held the Keys suffer it to be so now &c he also Brought up Zacharias pleading with the Lord in the temple that he might have seed so that the preistHood might be presurved
Discourse, circa 21 March 1841, as Reported by William P. McIntire, p. 17, The Joseph Smith Papers.
How John Was the Greatest Prophet Born of a Woman & Christ Greater than John but Least in the Kingdom — Franklin D. Richards (January 29, 1843)
the next sabbath he (Joseph) asked and answered
1st How was John the greatest prophet ever born of a woman
2nd How
was Christis the least in the Kingdom greater than heAns to 1st His greatness consisted in 3 things
1st His appointment to prepare the way before the Lord Jesus Christ
2nd His privilege to Baptise him or induct him into his Kingdom
3d His being the only legal administrator in the affairs of the Kingdom that was then on the Earth consequently the Jews had to obey his instruction or be damned by their own Law & Christ fulfiled all righteousness in becoming obedient to the Law which himself had given to Moses on the mount and thereby magnified it and made it honorable instead of destroying itAns to 2nd Query Christ was least in the Kingdom in their estimation or least entitled to their credulity as a Prophet but was in Truth greater than John
Discourse given on January 29, 1843. Franklin D. Richards, Discourse, 29 January 1843, as Reported by Franklin D. Richards, pp. 10-12, The Joseph Smith Papers.
John Greatest Man Born of a Woman — History of the Church (January 29, 1843)
After naming his text, the prophet remarked, that some one had asked him the meaning of the expression of Jesus, “among those born of the woman there has not arisen a greater than John,” and said he had promised to answer it in public, and he would do it then. “It could not have been on account of the miracles John performed, for he did no miracles; but it was,
First, Because he was trusted with a divine mission, of preparing the way before the face of the Lord. Who was trusted with such a mission, before or since? No man.
Second, He was trusted, and it was required at his hand, to baptise the Son of Man. who ever did that? Who ever had so great a privilege or glory? Who ever led the Son of God into the waters of baptism, beholding the Holy Ghost descend upon him in the sign of the Dove? No man.
Third, John, at that time, was the only legal administrator, holding the keys of power there was on earth. The keys, the kingdom, the power, the glory, had departed from the Jews; and John, the son of Zachariah, by the holy anointing, and decree of heaven, held the keys of power at that time.”
Discourse given on January 29, 1843. History, 1838–1856, volume D-1 [1 August 1842–1 July 1843], p. 1561, The Joseph Smith Papers.
John’s Hereditary Right to Priesthood & Authority — Willard Richards (January 29, 1843)
. . . thou shalt anoint Aaron &c. last chap Ex 15.— and thou shalt anoint. them &c.— a tittle of law which must be fulfilled.— provend hereditary.— fixed on the head of aron— down to Zachariahe— the father of John.—— Zachariah had no child— had not god gave him a son?
sent his angel to declare a son hence John. with the keys.——
John king and— lawgiver
The Kingdom of heavn suffereth volenc [violence] &— The kingdm of heavn continuith in authority. until John. the authority taketh it by absolute power. John having the power— took the kingdom by authority.—
How do you know all this great knowledge—? by the gift of the H.G. [Holy Ghost] arrested the kingdom from the Jews of these stony Gentiles these dogs to raise up childrn unto Abraham
John I must be baptized by you. why to answer my decreess.— John refusees— Jesus had no legal administrator before John.
Discourse, 23 July 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, pp. 15-17, The Joseph Smith Papers.
John the Baptist Inherited a Lawful Right to Aaronic Priesthood as a Descendant of Aaron — Franklin D. Richards (July 23, 1843)
July 23 Joseph said after reading Matt 11-12 & Luke 16-16 Heaven & Earth might pass but not a jot or tittle of the Law should read Exodus 40-15 Anointing of Aaron & his sons and shewed that all the Power & Authority & Anointing descended upon the head of John the Baptist or “The Government shall be upon his shoulders” This was virtually acknowledged by all Judea & they of Jersualem coming out to be baptised of him & the rendering the Texts is “The Kingdom continueth in authority or Law & the Authority or legality (which belonged to John) took it by force or wrested it from the Jews to be delivered to a Nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
Discourse, 23 July 1843, as Reported by Franklin D. Richards, p. 23, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Descendants of Aaron Inherit Right to Aaronic Priesthood by Lineage — James Burgess (July 23, 1843)
Luke 16 chap 16 verse. The Law and the Prophets were untill John since then the Kingdom of Heaven is preached and all men press into it. We will go back to Mount Scinia where Jesus gave the Law to Moses Exodus 30 chap 30 verse also the last chap 15 verse. The preisthood was given to Aron and his posterity throughout all generations We can trace the leanage down to Zachariah he being the only lawfull administrator in his day and the jews knew it well for they always acknowledge the priesthood, and Zachariah having no children, knew that the promise of God must fail, consequently he went into the Temple to wrestle with God according to the order of the preisthood to obtain a promise of a son, and when the Angel told him that his promise was granted he because of unbelief was struck dumb.
Discourse, 23 July 1843, as Reported by James Burgess, pp. 12-13, The Joseph Smith Papers.
John the Baptist the Only Lawful Administrator of Aaronic Priesthood — James Burgess (July 23, 1843)
And when the set time was come John came forth and when he took up his preisthood, he came bounding out of the wilderness saying repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand, he having received the holy anointing was the only lawful administrator and the jews all knew it— for the law and the prophets was untill John since then the kingdom of heaven is preached and all men press into it! Why! Why John because John was the only lawful administrator and they the Jews well knew it. consequently the only alternative was for them to yeild obedience to mandates of this wild man of the woods, namely John or be damned For all Jerusalam and all Judea came out to be babtised of John, sadusees, pharasees, Essenees &c For untill John was the law and the prophets, since then the kingdom of heaven is preached and all men press into it.
Discourse, 23 July 1843, as Reported by James Burgess, pp. 13-14, The Joseph Smith Papers.