John Saw Vision Things in Heaven, Daniel Saw Vision of Things on the Earth — William Clayton (April 2, 1843)
During prest. Joseph’s remarks he said their was a nice distinction between the vision which John saw as spoken of in Revelations & the vision which Daniel saw. the former relating to things as they actually existed in heaven— the latter being a figure representing things on the earth.
Instruction, 2 April 1843, as Reported by William Clayton, pp. 73-74, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Beast Never Used to Represent Kingdom of Heaven — William Clayton (April 2, 1843)
God never made use of the figure of a beast to represent the kingdom of heaven— when they were made use of it was to represent an apostate church.
Instruction, 2 April 1843, as Reported by William Clayton, pp. 73-74, The Joseph Smith Papers.
John Saw Actual Beasts Living in Heaven, Probably from Another Planet — Willard Richards (April 2, 1843)
Joseph read chapter of revelation, referring particularly to the 6 verse. shewing from that. the actual existence of beasts in heaven probable those were beasts which had lived on another planet. than our’s—
Instruction, 2 April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 40, The Joseph Smith Papers.
God Never Uses Beasts to Represent the Kingdom of Heaven — Willard Richards (April 2, 1843)
God never made use of the figure of a beast to represent the kingdom of heaven. Beasts. 7 eyes Priesthood.
Instruction, 2 April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 40, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Young Elders Should Not Attempt to Explain Revelations They Do Not Correctly Understand — Willard Richards (April 2, 1843)
Joseph read chapter of Johns revelation . . .
. . . this is the first time I [Joseph Smith] have ever taken a text in Revelation.— and if the young elders would let such things alone it would be far better. then corrected Elder Hyde as in private.—
Instruction, 2 April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, p. 41, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Knowledge of Beasts and Figures in John’s Revelations not Essential for Elders & Dangers of Being Puffed Up — William Clayton (April 8, 1843)
The subject I intend to speak upon this morning is one that I have seldom touched upon since I commenced as an Elder of the Church. It is a subject of great speculation as well amongst the Elders of the church as amongst the divines of the day; it is in relation to the beast spoken of in Revelations. The reason why it has been a subject of speculation amongst the Elders, is in consequence of a division of sentiment and opinion in relation to it. My object is to do away with this difference of opinion.
To have knowledge in relation to the meaning of beasts and heads and horns and other figure made use of in the revalations [of John] is not very essential to the Elders.
If we get puffed up by thinking that we have much knowledge, and <we are apt to> get a contentious spirit, and knowledge is necessary to do away contention. The evil of being puffed up is not so great as the evil of contention. Knowledge does away darkness, suspense and doubt, for where Knowledge is there is no doubt nor suspense nor darkness. There is no pain so awful as the pain of suspense. This is the condemnation of the wicked; Their doubt and anxiety and suspense causes weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. In knowledge there is power. God has more power than all other beings, because he has greater knowledge, and hence he knows how to subject all other beings to him.
Discourse, 8 April 1843, as Reported by William Clayton–B, p. 1, The Joseph Smith Papers.
4 Angels Not Permitted to Destory the Earth Until Temple Built and Servants Sealed in their Fourheads
P.M. spoke of contracts & covenants made from life end with life. the necessity of the Temple that the Servants of God may be sealed in their foreheads. — the 4 Angels not permitted to destroy the earth till it was done — weather warm & dry-
Levi Richards Diary. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook, eds. The Words of Joseph Smith (1980).
Election Connected with the Sealing Spoken of in Revelation 7:3 — Franklin D. Richards (August 13, 1843)
What is the seal spoken of in Rev 7— 3 find it out if you can I will not reveal it now but will drop an idea that I have never revealed concerning Election connected with the sealing of the servants of God in the fore or top of the head
Discourse, 13 August 1843–A, as Reported by Franklin D. Richards, p. 29, The Joseph Smith Papers.