Expansion of Law from Zion Follows Obedience to Ordinances by the House of Israel — Martha Jane Knowlton Coray (March 21, 1841)
The Lord will begin by revealing the House of Israel among the gentiles and those who have gone from the ordinances of God shall return unto the keeping of all the law and observing his judgement and statutes to do them Then shall the Law of the Lord go forth from Zion and the word of the Lord to the priests and through them from Jerusalem
Discourse, circa 21 March 1841, as Reported by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray, p. 28, The Joseph Smith Papers.
House of Israel Elected & Given Adoption, Covenants, Etc. In the Flesh — Times & Seasons (May 16, 1841)
The speaker then spoke on the subject of election, and read the 9th chap. in Romans, from which it was evident that the election there spoken of was pertaining to the flesh, and had reference to the seed of Abraham, according to the promise God made to Abraham, saying, “In thee and in thy seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” To them belonged the adoption, and the covenants &c. Paul said; when he saw their unbelief I wish myself accursed—according to the flesh—not according to the spirit.
Discourse, 16 May 1841, as Published in Times and Seasons, p. 430, The Joseph Smith Papers.
Priesthood Restored to House of Israel; Become Ministers and Saviors on Mount Zion — Times & Seasons (May 16, 1841)
The election of the promised seed [the seed of Abraham] still continues, and in the last days, they shall have the priesthood restored unto them, and they shall be the “Saviors on mount Zion” the “ministers of our God,” if it were not for the remnant which was left, then might we be as Sodom and as Gomorah.
Discourse, 16 May 1841, as Published in Times and Seasons, p. 430, The Joseph Smith Papers.