My Life Under National Socialism and Communism – Kitty Werthmann

Author: Kitty Werthmann

Type: Talk or speech

Runtime: 00:49:42

When Kitty Werthmann was a little girl in Austria, she witnessed firsthand Adolph Hitler’s rise to power and the Soviet communist occupation that followed. She also witnessed, for decades, the distortions of the media when it came to the reporting of the events. From her eyewitness perspective, Werthmann said that the whole thing didn’t happen overnight, in a brutal attack, like the media portrays it, but rather, it evolved into a dictatorship gradually, over a period of a few years. Hitler didn’t come across as someone evil, to be feared, initially. “In the beginning, Hitler didn’t look like, or talk like a monster at all. He talked like an American politician.”

Now 84, Kitty Werthmann is warning America, her adopted country, in the hopes that history does not repeat itself. Watch her powerful presentation below. If you don’t want to go buy more ammo after that, then you aren’t paying attention.

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