Guardians of an Altar: Sanctity of Life – June 26, 2015


Author: Guardians of an Altar

Type: Meeting

Runtime: 01:38:09

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Recording from June 26, 2015 discussion. We live in a culture that greatly devalues children. As one man said, “The Bible calls debt a curse and children a blessing. But in our culture we apply for a curse and reject blessings. Something is wrong with this picture.” This discussion centered the motion picture, Come What May and statements from presidents of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) on abortion, birth-control, modern family planning methods and the sanctity of life.

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Presidents of the Church on birth control

Please read the following statements regarding abortive birth control. The leadership of the Church has been clear and consistent throughout time on this subject. 01) BIRTH-CONTROL: What is the first commandment ever given by the Lord to man? How does the Lord feel about birth control? Should couples postpone having children?

Come What May movie

When does life really begin? If college student Caleb Hogan argues what he truly believes, he stands to lose the most important competition of his life–and the support of his mother. If he softens his stance, he might win the coveted title…but lose the heart of his teammate Rachel in the process.

While his mother prepares for her high-profile abortion case before the Supreme Court, Caleb discovers the strength of the pro-life argument in preparation for the National Moot Court Championship. In life-and-death legal cases, can there truly be a winner?

Come What May is a vivid reminder that choosing what’s right is never easy … but it’s always worth the cost.


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