Guardians of an Altar: Communist Christian Persecution – September 11, 2015

download-mp3-audio-recording1Author: Guardians of an Altar

Type:  Meeting

Runtime: 01:26:06

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Recording from September 11, 2015 discussion. We received permission to upload, share and discuss the movie, The Printing. The Printing tells the story of faithful Christians in Soviet Russia who continued to print and smuggle Bibles in spite of being relentlessly hunted, imprisoned, tortured and killed. Would you be willing and able to lay down your life, if necessary, for the faith? Are you willing to lose your worldly life (vices, popularity or conformity to social norms) for the Gospel?

We also discussed the first four chapters of The Heavenly Man. The Heavenly Man is the autobiography of one prominent leader in the underground Chinese house church movement. Did you know there are millions of dedicated Christians in Communist China who risk everything for the sake of their faith? In spite of the book recounting the horrific tortures and brutal persecutions, the book is an uplifting, inspiring account of miracles and deliverance.

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