Guardians of an Altar: Amusements and Fashions – August 28, 2015


Author: Guardians of an Altar

Type: Meeting

Runtime: 01:06:38

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Recording from August 28, 2015 discussion. This discussion was based on Chapter 17 from Gospel Doctrine by President Joseph F. Smith.

What is the duty of parents in regards to amusement? How should true Latter-day Saints interact with their neighbors? How do we serve those who are “weak” and “erring”? Is it possible to have too high of a standard? How early in our life should we consecrate our services to God? What common thread do the greatest prophets and leaders have? What does this have to do with amusement and recreation? What are some examples of how amusements lead to life and salvation based on President Smith’s principles?

Visit Guardians of an Altar to learn more!

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