- 01) TEMPLE: Can Satan enter the temples?
- 02) POSSESSION: Can evil spirits literally posses and control our bodies?
- 03) HYPNOSIS: Should latter-day saints be involved in hypnosis? Who was Mesmer and what is mesmerism?
- 06) FORETELL FUTURE: Can witches and other occult influences foretell the future?
- 07) PARANORMAL MOVEMENT: Can Satan and evil spirits move physical objects?
- 08) DISCERN: How can evil spirits be discerned and detected? In what forms can Satanic messengers appear?
- 09) HARMLESS: Are ghosts, witches, sorcerers, and so forth simply harmless or entertaining?
- 12) EVIL SPIRITS: Who/what are evil spirits? Where did they come from? Are they organized? Where do they dwell and what is their purpose?
- 13) SATAN REAL: Is Satan real? Where did he come from? What is his role on earth?
- 14) POWER: What are the limits to Satan’s power? How does he exert power over us?
- 15) MAGIC: Is magic simply a tool that should be used for good or bad? Is there such a thing as “white magic”?
- 16) PUNISHMENT: What has been revealed concerning the punishment for witches, sorcerers, etc.?
- 19) AUTHORITY: By what authority can evil spirits be controlled or handled? Can secular or non-authoritative sources have influence with Satanic messengers?
- 20) SIN: What is the relationship between Satanic messengers and sexual sin or other wickedness?
- 21) LAST DAYS: What has been said about the rise of witchcraft and sorcery particular to the last days?
- 22) COUNTERFEIT: Why do Satan’s deceptions often include holy words and symbols?
- Satan & the Occult FAQs