- 01) PRIVATE VS. PUBLIC: Can “Private” morality be separated from public service in political leadership? How do wicked leaders promote iniquity among the people they govern?
- 02) RIGHTEOUSNESS: Is righteousness essential for freedom?
- 03) ACCOUNTABILITY: Will individuals be accountable to God for their acts in relation to government? What is the priority of loyalty to country?
- 03) Is it morally wrong for our government to be involved in birth control measures?
- 04) CHURCH/STATE: Should religious influence be excluded from politics? Can Prophets understand and receive revelation on political issues and government principles?
- 05) CONSCIENCE: How can governments ensure that the right to the free exercise of conscience not be infringed?
- 06) STEWARDSHIP: Is the right to the use and control of property scriptural? What is the importance of stewardship?
- 07) LEGISLATE MORALITY: Should the laws of the land reflect the commandments of God as found in the gospel of Jesus Christ?
- 08) RULE OF LAW: What is the Rule of Law? Should citizens be equal before the law or equal in possessions? How does this apply to governmental leadership?
- 09) REDRESS GRIEVANCES: How should citizens address personal or group grievances? How should Citizens appeal to civil law for redress of grievances?
- 10) MILITARY: What does the gospel of Jesus Christ teach in relation to the military and defending our freedoms?
- 11) FAMILY: Is the family the basic unit of society and should it be sustained by government. Should the community and social experts have responsibility for raising families?
- 12) CHECKS: Are checks on the power of civil authorities important? What authority should be granted to civil leaders? How can government be restrained from usurping the rights of the people?
- 13) COMPULSORY CHARITY: Who has the responsibility to care for the poor? Can this responsibility be delegated to government? Is compulsory charity an oxymoron? How is the possibility of giving circumvented by redistributing wealth?
- 14) PEOPLE: Where are the powers of government derived? Should leaders be servants of the people or should the people be servants of the government?
- 15) CITIZENSHIP: Should leaders be sustained by the voice of the people they govern? What are the fundamental principles of citizenship? What is our responsibility to educate ourselves?
- 16) PROSPERITY: Is it possible to prosper without righteousness? How is righteousness a deterrent for poverty?
- 17) SELF-RELIANCE: Should a person or family be supported by others when capable of providing for themselves? What is the danger of accepting a “dole” – something-for-nothing handout?
- 18) LOCAL: Why should the power of government be kept as close to the individual as possible? Should most power in government remain local or national? Are the principles of federalism as defined by the Founders also taught in the scriptures?
- 19) SECRET COMBINATIONS: What are secret combinations? What are the objects sought by secret combinations (power, plunder, prestige)? Are there secret combinations today?
- 20) STIR TO ANGER: How do wicked leaders manipulate those they rule? How do leaders gain power by stirring people to anger against good by creating wrongs? How should the righteous combat this (promote love of God, family and country)?
- 21) FLATTERY: How do wicked leaders gain power through promises and flattering words (propaganda)?
- 22) FALSE CHARITY: How do wicked leaders gain power by pretending to care for the unfortunate?
- 23) FREEDOM OF WORSHIP: Why must we understand that there are wicked individuals who seek to deprive the righteous of their freedom?
- 24) DIVINE PROTECTION: When will God protect the righteous? What must we do to enjoy the providential care of deity?
- 25) AMERICA: What is the importance of America to the restoration of the gospel and the continued gathering of Israel?
- 26) TAXES: Are high taxes a form of bondage? Are they a sign of wickedness?
- 27) NATURAL RIGHTS: What is the source of freedom and all rights? Is it possible to retain Natural Rights without God and the principles of the Gospel?
- 28) DEFAMATION: What attempts have been made to discredit the work of righteous statesmen in the past? Why do some work to defame the characters of righteous political leaders?
- 29) CONTENTION: Should we defend freedom even if it may cause contention? What should be our focus when preserving our rights?
- 30) REDEFINITION: How do those seeking to destroy freedom mislead the public? How can mislabeling and redefining terms be dangerous?
- 31) HANG BY A THREAD: What have latter-day prophets taught concerning the prophecy of Joseph Smith that the United States Constitution would hang by a thread and be saved, if saved at all, through the efforts of the Elders of Israel?
- 32) AGENCY: Is freedom an essential element of God’s plan? Does our ability to have freedom and agency with our time, talents and money, matter to God?
- 33) COMMUNISM: What guidance have leaders of the Church given in regard to the threat of Socialism and Communism?
- 34) BIRTH-CONTROL: Is it morally wrong for our government to be involved in birth control measures?
- 35) CONSTITUTION: What has been revealed regarding the Divine origin and influence of the United States Constitution on our nation and the world?
- 36) UNITY: Should we wait for the Church to implement a program to save our freedoms before we put effort into the freedom issue? Will everyone in the Church agree on freedom issues?
- 37) OTHER NATIONS: What is the importance of the United States system of government to other nations? What political duties do we have in regard to other nations?
- 38) LAW: Are laws an unalienable element of government and the gospel?
- Government FAQs