Prescindia Lathrop Huntington, 1810-1892, Autobiography
Autobiography (1810-1842) inEdward W. Tullidge, The Women of MormondomNew York, 1877, pp. 207-10, 213.SELECTIONS FROM THE WRITINGS OF PRESCINDIA LATHROP
Autobiography (1810-1842) inEdward W. Tullidge, The Women of MormondomNew York, 1877, pp. 207-10, 213.SELECTIONS FROM THE WRITINGS OF PRESCINDIA LATHROP
Autobiography (1820-1885)Eliza Marie Partridge Smith Lyman, “Life and Journal of Eliza Marie Partridge (Smith) Lyman,” typescript, HBLL.LIFE AND JOURNAL OF ELIZA
“Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner,” The Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 17 (July 1926):193-205, 250-AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MARY E. LIGHTNERI was born
During the early years of my life I was much afflicted with sickness, but, through the mercies and blessings of
Autobiography (1818-1868)Cited in Edward W. Tullidge, The Women of MormondomNew York, 1877AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MARINDA M.[N] HYDE[The life of Mrs. Orson
Source: Emily Dow Partridge Smith Young, Autobiography, typescript, HBLL. REMINISCENCESalt Lake City, Utah; April 7, 1884 What I remember, I
I am the daughter of Mark and Susanah Bigler, and was born near Shinnston, Harrison County, West Virginia, on May
Autobiography (c. 1839-1846)“Life Incidents,” Woman’s Exponent 9-10 (1880-1882) and “Scenes and Incidents in Nauvoo,” Woman’s Exponent 11 (1882-83)LIFE INCIDENTSBy Helen
The account below is an excerpt from the autobiography of Lyman Omer Littlefield. Written as “a very interesting and important contribution
Autobiography (1819-1848)Lyman Omer Littlefield, Reminiscences of Latter-day Saints (Logan, Utah: The Utah Journal Co., 1888)REMINISCENCES OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Note: included
Autobiography (1823-1909) Holograph, HBLL AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF CORDELIA MORLEY COX While I am on earth and able to write with the
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