23) DOCTRINE ON BEHAVIOR: How does teaching true doctrine and true principles influence behavior?
Prophetic Statements Ezra Taft Benson As individuals and society depart more and more from the laws of God, we will
Prophetic Statements Ezra Taft Benson As individuals and society depart more and more from the laws of God, we will
Prophetic Statements Joseph Smith #1: “In the year 1823 my father’s family met with a great affliction by the death
Prophetic Statements Ezra Taft Benson Don’t listen to music that is degrading. “Music can, by its tempo . . .
Commentary Light is withdrawn if counsel is rejected, but renewed obedience can return blessings. Gradual Secularization (early 1900s through the
Prophetic Statements Joseph Smith By a proper observance of the Word of Wisdom, man may hope to regain what he
Commentary Commentary author, James F. Stoddard III The following ten Presidents of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Prophetic Statements Howard W. Hunter “Indifference to the Savior or failure to keep the commandments of God brings about insecurity,
Prophetic Statements Brigham Young The adversary presents his principles and arguments in the most approved style, and in the most
Commentary Please see Gary Shapiro’s excellent blog for additional information on this topic. “…Whether the mortal bodies of man EVOLVED
Prophetic Statements David O. McKay The position of this Church on the subject of Communism has never changed. We consider
Prophetic Statements Brigham Young JOD, 1:66 – Education #1: It is the duty of the Latter-day Saints, according to the
Associated Locations: Shadwell, Colony of Virginia – Thomas Jefferson Birthplace Monticello, Virginia – Thomas Jefferson Home Associated Dates: April 13, 1743 – Thomas
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Vision in Light of the Restoration