Kingdom of Heaven Likened to a Mustard Seed Explained — Willard Richards Account (Between circa June 26 and circa August 4, 1839)
The Kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, the mustard seed is small but brings forth a large tree, and the fowls lodge in the branches The fowls are the Angels, the Book of Mormon perhaps, these Angels come down combined together to gather their children, & gather them. We cannot be made perfect without them, nor they without us when these things are done the Son of man will descend, the ancient of Days sit. — We may come to an innumerable company of Angels have communion with & receive instruction from them. — Paul told about Moses’s proceedings. Spoke of the Children of Israel being baptized, &c, he knew this & that all the ordinances, & blessings were in the Church. Paul had these things; & we may have the fowls of the heaven lodge in the branches &c. The horn made war with the Saints, & overcame them &c, until the Ancient of Days came, judgment was given to the Saints of the Most High, from the Ancient of Days — the time came that the Saints possessed the kingdom — this not only makes us ministers here but in Eternity. Salvation cannot come without revelation, it is in vain for anyone to minister without it.
Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 4 August 1839-A, as Reported by Willard Richards, pp. 67-68, The Joseph Smith Papers.