Our Labors Are Interesting and Peculiar—Character of the Latter-Day Saints—The Blessing and Privilege of Priesthood—The Primary Associations—Our Warfare is One of Faith—We Must Importune for Our Rights—Necessity for Good Lawyers—The Gift of Wisdom—Persecution Will Tend to Unite Us—We Should Be Pure

Discourse by Apostle F. D. Richards, delivered in the Tabernacle, Ogden, Sunday Afternoon, January 18th, 1885.

Our Efforts to Inform the World of Our Doctrines—We Must Expect Persecution—Man Has No Right to Make Laws Contrary to the Law of God—Plural Marriage is No Crime—Bigamy a Crime—There Are More for Us Than Against Us—The Work of God not Upheld By Numbers—The Blood of the Prophets is Upon the American Nation—God Will Test Us

Discourse by Apostle F. D. Richards, delivered at the General Conference, at Logan, held in October, 1885.

Object of Gathering—Our Principles and Organization Revealed From God—He is Cognizant of All Things—Our Faith not Affected By the Ideas of Men—Our Dependence Upon God—Enoch’s City—God’s Justice in Sending the Flood, and in the Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah—His Judgments Will Come Upon Those Who Persecute His Saints—The Lord Will Bless His People—We Will Stand By the Constitution Though Others Ignore It

Discourse by President John Taylor, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Evening, December 14th, 1884.

Power Attending the Action of General Conferences—God Confirms the Authority of His Servants By Manifestations of His Power and Favor—Joseph Smith Chosen and Ordained to Organize the Church of God—The Lord Revealed to the Saints His Choice of President Brigham Young, and Also of President John Taylor—God Blesses Every Man Who Will Magnify His Office and Calling, and Gives to One Man Only at a Time, Revelation to Govern the Church—Folly and Wickedness of Witchcraft

Discourse by President George Q. Cannon, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, December 14, 1884.

The Gathering—Our Territorial Condition and Organization—The Eternal Nature of Our Covenants—The Law of Ancient Israel, Which Required a Man to Marry His Brother’s Widow—Settlement of the Difficulty Connected With the Utah Lake and Jordan River Dam—The Flood—The Lord Will Sustain and Uphold Us—We Must Not Associate With the Wicked

Discourse by President John Taylor, delivered in the Stake Meetinghouse, Provo, Sunday Morning, November 30th, 1884.

The Way to Find Out God—Testimony of the Elders—“Whoso Receiveth You Receiveth Me”—The Missionary Learns to Know God is His Friend—We Must Suffer Persecution—Fruits of the Spirit—“Mormon” Society—Trouble for the Wicked in the Future—Saints to Maintain Freedom and to Uphold the Constitution

Remarks by President George Q. Cannon, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, Nov. 23rd, 1884.

Causes that Govern Us in Settling New Places—Our Respect for the Constitution of Our Country—We Must not Concede Principle for the Privilege of State Government—Practical Men Have Held Office—The Kingdom of God Protects All Religion—Holding the Priesthood Should not Disqualify From Holding Civil Office or Giving Counsel

Discourse by President George Q. Cannon, delivered in the Tabernacle, Provo, Sunday Afternoon, Nov. 20th, 1884.