Conditions on Which the Saints Shall Prevail—Prevalence of Peace—The Feeling in the East—Falsehoods Swallowed By a Credulous Public—No Real Injury—Immediate Promises—Only One Thing to Be Feared—The Saints Shall Prevail—The Saints Shall Prevail Through Faithfulness—This Praise of the World a Signal for Sorrow—Power of a United People—The Fiercest Persecution Antecedent to Polygamy—Salt that Has Lost Its Savor—Only One Channel of Revelation—Vox Dei, Vox Populi—The Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods—Writing and Speaking—Spirits that Peep and Mutter—Deceitful Devices of the Enemy—The Men Who Have Authority—The Parable of the Ship—The Man Who Presides—Invocation

Discourse by President Geo. Q. Cannon, delivered in the Salt Lake Assembly Hall, Sunday Afternoon, December 2, 1833.

Introductory Remarks—Increased Faith in God—The Ideas Advanced By Joseph Smith—Lapse of Eighteen Centuries and No Voice From the Heavenly Worlds!—Joseph Smith’s Testimony in Regard to the Father and the Son and Holy Angels—The Effect of His Revelations Upon the Minds of Men—Spiritualism—The One Power Through Which Godliness, the Power of God, and the Gifts of God Can Be Made Manifest With Safety, i.e., the Priesthood—Joseph Smith Did Not Attempt to Preach the Gospel Until He Was Duly Commissioned of God—John the Baptist—The Higher Priesthood—The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Stands Alone—The Results Following the Restoration of the Gospel—Wonderful Faith of the Latter-Day Saints Considering Their Traditions—Progress of the Church—The Generation Growing Up in These Mountains—Conclusion

Discourse by President Geo. Q. Cannon, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Morning, (Semi-Annual Conference) October 7th, 1833.

Traveling Through the Settlements—The Necessity of the Settlements Being Visited—Revelation—Bogus Authority of Sectarian Preachers—The Claim that the Canon of Scripture is Full—The Cause of There Being No Communication With God—Visitation of the Father and Son and Holy Angels to Joseph Smith—Mahomed—The World No Idea of the Character of God—Restoration of the Knowledge of God—Angels not Feathered Beings—No Wonder the World Has Gone Astray—Space Between Death and the Resurrection—The Reign of Satan—Joseph Smith Accomplished His Mission—Persecution—This Nation Making Joseph Smith a Prophet—No Surrendering the Kingdom of God—God Will Deliver His People—Temples—Shall Those Who Have Obeyed the Law of God Be Looked Down Upon By Those Who Have Not?—Conclusion

Discourse by President Geo. Q. Cannon, delivered in the Meetinghouse, Provo, Sunday Morning, September 2nd, 1883.

Traveling Through the Settlements—The Necessity of the Settlements Being Visited—Revelation—Bogus Authority of Sectarian Preachers—The Claim that the Canon of Scripture is Full—The Cause of There Being No Communication With God—Visitation of the Father and Son and Holy Angels to Joseph Smith—Mahomed—The World Have No Idea of the Character of God—Restoration of the Knowledge of God—Angels not Feathered Beings—No Wonder the World Has Gone Astray—Space Between Death and the Resurrection—the Reign of Satan—Joseph Smith Accomplished His Mission—Persecution—This Nation Making Joseph Smith a Prophet—No Surrendering the Kingdom of God—God Will Deliver His People—Temples—Shall Those Who Have Obeyed the Law of God Be Looked Down Upon By Those Who Have not?—Conclusion

Discourse by President Geo. Q. Cannon, delivered in the Meetinghouse, Provo, Sunday Morning, September 2nd, 1883.

Growth of the Latter-Day Saints—Necessity of the Spirit of Revelation—Conditional Promises—The Lord Designed Israel to Be a Peculiar and Holy People—And He Has the Same Design Concerning Us—We Will Have to Pass Through the Same Ordeals As They—We Should not Intermarry With Those not of Our Faith—We Should Build Up Nothing that is Opposed to Zion—The Favor of God is Better Than Earthly Riches—Exhortations to Faithfulness

Discourse by President George Q. Cannon, delivered in the Meetinghouse, Heber City, Sunday Morning, August 26th, 1883.

The Spirit of God Necessary for Our Guidance—Failure of the Measures Our Enemies Have Adopted Against Us—The Object of the Edmunds Law—Why All Such Laws Are Failures—They Are Founded Upon Falsehood and Bring Disappointment to Their Framers—The Efforts of Our Enemies Prove the Growth of this Work—Necessary to Pass Through Trials—God Will Always Deliver His People—A Knowledge of the Work of God is Being Disseminated—Two Influences at Work—Many of the Doctrines Taught By Joseph Smith Now Becoming Popular

Discourse by President Geo. Q. Cannon, delivered in Paris, Bear Lake County, Idaho, Sunday Morning, August 19, 1883.

The Latter-day Saints Aspire to Celestial Glory—All Our Possessions Placed in Our Hands Merely As Stewards—Is It Appropriate to Make Sacrifices in View of Glory and Exaltation We Aspire To, and To Hold All Things Subject to the Dictation of the Servants of God?—Obedience to the Priesthood, and the Results Flowing Therefrom—The Providence of God Seen in the Selection of All His Servants—Temples, Their Object, and Those Who Are Entitled to the Blessings to Be Manifested Therein—Obedience to the Priesthood a Vital Test

Discourse by President Geo. Q. Cannon, delivered in the Tabernacle, Logan City, Sunday Morning, August 12, 1883.

Need of Inspiration in Preaching—Growth of the Work of the Lord—Distribution of Responsibility—Self-dependence Necessary—The Cause and the People Are Being Tested—Existence of the Work a Proof of Its Divinity—Its Completeness—A Powerless Christianity—Sentiments of the Saints in Regard to Moralityites

Discourse by President Geo. Q. Cannon, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, July 15th, 1383.

Obedience to the Priesthood Objected to by the World—Wisdom in the Counsel of the Priesthood—Prosperity of Those Who Have Obeyed—Temporal and Spiritual Wealth—Effects of the Priesthood’s Influence—Loyalty of the Saints—Respect for Law and Hatred of Oppression and Mobocracy—Destiny of the Saints—Their Capacity for Self-Government—Characteristic Virtues—Treatment in Regard to Sexual Crime—Honor in Dealing—Duties Toward Families

Discourse by President Geo. Q. Cannon, delivered in the Meetinghouse, Beaver, Wednesday Afternoon, June 20, 1883.

Improvement Among the People—Interest Manifested by the World in the “Mormons”—Evidences of Divinity in the Work—Same Effects Follow the Gospel in Different Ages—Authority Restored—Proofs of Joseph Smith’s Divine Mission—Persecutions Endured By the Saints—Reasons for the Same

Discourse by President Geo. Q. Cannon, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, May 27th, 1883.