Present Conditions—The Hatred of the World Toward the Saints—Why the Leaders of the Church Are Attacked—The Purpose of Persecution—The Saints Need not Be Afflicted or Worried About the Present State of Affairs—The Sifting Process—The Epistle of the First Presidency—Work of God Always Met With Opposition—The Gospel Revealed in this Day Was the Gospel that Was Revealed to Adam—More Revelation to Be Given—Saints Must not Borrow Trouble—When a Nation Perverts Justice, Then Commences Its Downfall—The Constitution of the United States—Saints Must Commit No Overt Act—Exhortation to Faithfulness—Conclusion

Discourse by Apostle F. D. Richards, delivered at the Annual Conference, held in the Tabernacle, Logan, Cache County, Saturday and Sunday, April 4th and 5th, 1885.

The Work of the Lord in the Sandwich Islands and in New Zealand—The Inhabitants of These Islands Probably Offshoots of the Nephites and Lamanites, and Consequently of the Blood of Israel—The Gentile Nations Have Measurably Rejected the Gospel, Hence Their Disunion and Skepticism—We Can Only Be United on the Principle of Righteousness—In God is Our Only Trust—We Cannot Compromise With Evil—Our Mission is to Do Good—Causes of Opposition to the Gospel—Education Can Only Modify, But the Holy Ghost Changes the Nature of Man—The Principle of Revelation Distinguishes Us From the Rest of the World—The Path of Duty is the Path of Safety and Blessing

Remarks by Elder George Reynolds, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, March 29th, 1885.

Communities Are Made Up of Family Organizations—The Marriage Relationship Instituted By the Almighty—Descent of the Human Family From God—Plural Marriage System of Ancient Israel—Potency of Love—Eternity of Marriage Necessarily Leads to Plural Marriage—Polygamic Form of Marriage Most Prevalent in the World—From Whence Monogamy is Derived—Monogamy Sometimes Necessary—Fruits of Monogamy and Plural Marriage Compared—The Marriage Covenant Changed From a Religious Rite to a Civil Contract—Marriage Requires the Sanction of the Holy Priesthood—The Saints Should not Marry Outside the Church

Discourse by Elder H. W. Naisbitt, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, March 8, 1885.

Visit to the South—Persecution in Arizona—An American Siberia—Persecutions in Missouri and Illinois not the Result of Polygamy—Affecting Reference to the Martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum—Judgment Begins at the House of God—No Man Has a Right to Attempt to Control Another’s Belief or Conscience—Ex Post Facto Application of the Edmunds Law—Attempts of the Speaker to Conform to the Law As Far As Possible—Outrages Heaped Upon the Latter-Day Saints—No One Ever Punished, According to Law, for Killing a Mormon—The Saints Counseled to Endure Their Afflictions, Take Care of Themselves, and Serve God—Conclusion

Discourse by President John Taylor, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, Feb. 1, 1885.

Importance of Our Sunday Schools and Mutual Improvement Associations—The Good Work Done By Them in Qualifying Young Men to Be Missionaries—Necessity of Teaching Our Children the Principle of Virtue—Determination of Our Enemies to Destroy the Work of God—The Lord Will Build Up His Kingdom in His Own Way—He Will Stand By Us If We Are Valiant—God Raised up Men to Form the Constitution and Establish the Government of the United States—Self-Preservation Requires Us to Be United—All Reputable Men Among the Latter-Day Saints Hold the Priesthood—We Have to Contend With Mobocracy in Legal Form and Guise—this Work Depends Upon God—Our Enemies Have No Power to Injure Us—No One Has Prospered in Opposing the Work of God—The Lord Will Stand By Us in the Hour of Need—Conclusion

Discourse by President George Q. Cannon, delivered in the Tabernacle, Ogden, Sunday Morning, January 18th, 1885.

Our Labors Are Interesting and Peculiar—Character of the Latter-Day Saints—The Blessing and Privilege of Priesthood—The Primary Associations—Our Warfare is One of Faith—We Must Importune for Our Rights—Necessity for Good Lawyers—The Gift of Wisdom—Persecution Will Tend to Unite Us—We Should Be Pure

Discourse by Apostle F. D. Richards, delivered in the Tabernacle, Ogden, Sunday Afternoon, January 18th, 1885.

Our Efforts to Inform the World of Our Doctrines—We Must Expect Persecution—Man Has No Right to Make Laws Contrary to the Law of God—Plural Marriage is No Crime—Bigamy a Crime—There Are More for Us Than Against Us—The Work of God not Upheld By Numbers—The Blood of the Prophets is Upon the American Nation—God Will Test Us

Discourse by Apostle F. D. Richards, delivered at the General Conference, at Logan, held in October, 1885.

Object of Gathering—Our Principles and Organization Revealed From God—He is Cognizant of All Things—Our Faith not Affected By the Ideas of Men—Our Dependence Upon God—Enoch’s City—God’s Justice in Sending the Flood, and in the Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah—His Judgments Will Come Upon Those Who Persecute His Saints—The Lord Will Bless His People—We Will Stand By the Constitution Though Others Ignore It

Discourse by President John Taylor, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Evening, December 14th, 1884.

Power Attending the Action of General Conferences—God Confirms the Authority of His Servants By Manifestations of His Power and Favor—Joseph Smith Chosen and Ordained to Organize the Church of God—The Lord Revealed to the Saints His Choice of President Brigham Young, and Also of President John Taylor—God Blesses Every Man Who Will Magnify His Office and Calling, and Gives to One Man Only at a Time, Revelation to Govern the Church—Folly and Wickedness of Witchcraft

Discourse by President George Q. Cannon, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, December 14, 1884.