Extension of the Utah Northern Railroad—The Building of the Meetinghouse and Other Public Improvements Urged on the People—Faith Made Manifest By Works—Unity in Labor and Cooperation in All Things Pertaining to the Kingdom—Labor Builds Up the Kingdom—Number of Those in the Congregation Acquainted With the Prophet Joseph—Early Experience in the Church—Rewards Will Follow Obedience—Object of the Law of Tithing—Serves the Lord Because of the Purity of Revealed Truth

Discourse by President Brigham Young, delivered in the Bowery, Logan City, Saturday Afternoon, June 28, 1873.

Continued Obedience to the Laws of God is Necessary to Insure a Complete Salvation to the Latter-Day Saints—The Disobedience of Ancient Israel is Shown As a Warning to the Present Generation of His People—The Nature and Necessity of the Law of Tithing—The Fewness of Those Who Faithfully Observe that Law

Discourse by President Brigham Young, delivered in the Bowery, Logan City, Friday Afternoon, June 27, 1873.