Popular Discourses

  1. The United Order—The Duty of the Priesthood—The Gospel not Communism—Teaching the People How to Live—Independence of Babylon—The Saints Will Continue to Spread—Unity of Purpose and Action, Will Bring Again Zion—Free Schools Criticized—Educational Status of Our Children - 121,864 views
  2. Light of the Spirit—Coming Tribulations—Present Salvation - 102,085 views
  3. Attention and Reflection Necessary to An Increase of Knowledge—Self-Control—Unity of the Godhead and of the People of God - 18,858 views
  4. Liberty of Conscience—Man Accountable to God—The Fall of Adam and Eve Preordained—Redemption and Resurrection—The Gospel in Ancient and in Modern Times—Fulfillment of Prophecy—A Falsehood Refuted—Patriarchal Marriage—Its Purity and Its Eternal Purpose - 10,887 views
  5. Knowledge of the Doctrine of Christ—The Religions of Men, and the Religion of God—Joseph Smith—Persecutions, Etc. - 10,357 views
  6. Men Eternal Beings—Darkness, Ignorance, and Weakness of the World—Privileges of the Saints - 7,587 views
  7. Spiritual Communication - 7,572 views
  8. Parable of the Ten Virgins—Importance of the Last Dispensation—Responsibilities Resting Upon the Elders—Judgments at the Door—The Lamanites—Home Manufactures—Laying Up Wheat - 6,670 views
  9. Necessity of Paying Due Attention to Temporal Duties, &c - 5,733 views
  10. The Gospel—It Brings Temporal As Well As Spiritual Salvation—The Prophet Joseph Smith—Persecution—Our Religion Cannot Be Destroyed - 5,477 views
  11. Salvation - 5,273 views
  12. The Channels of Communication From God to Man—Dreams, Visions, Etc. - 5,246 views
  13. The Priesthood—The Second Advent—The Gathering—Spiritual Ministrations and Manifestations - 5,101 views
  14. Daniel’s Vision—Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream—Its Interpretation—The Coming of the Ancient of Days—Joseph Smith’s Prophecy—Things Yet to Be Fulfilled—The Valley of God Where Adam Dwelt—The Establishment of the Kingdom of God—The Coming Millennium and Triumph of the Saints - 5,012 views
  15. The Axe is Laid to the Root—Exhortation to Faithfulness - 4,948 views
  16. Human and Divine Government—the Latter-Day Kingdom, &c - 4,720 views
  17. Polygamy - 4,406 views
  18. The Lord is Teaching Us Valuable Lessons in Our Present Experience—He is Teaching Us to Rely Upon Him and to Exercise the Faculties He Has Given Us—Nature of the Government of the United States—the Elements of a Variety of Governments Enter Into It—Physical and Moral Courage—the Judge of the Third District Court not a Christian—a Concubine Was a Wife and It Should not Be a Term of Reproach—the Character of Abraham Vindicated—Sympathy for Our Enemies—When the Saints Learn to Be Strictly Impartial, Judgment and Rule Will Be Given Them—Not All in the United States Are Arrayed Against Us—Weakness of the American Government—Power of Secret Societies—Zion to Be a Place of Refuge and Safety—President Cleveland’s Opportunity to Be Just and Great—We Must Purify Ourselves that Liberty May Come - 4,234 views
  19. Character and Being of God—Creation—Salvation of the Dead—The Unpardonable Sin—Resurrection—Baptism of the Spirit, Etc. - 4,105 views
  20. Report of a Visit to the Southern Country - 4,000 views
  21. God’s Peculiar People Called a Kingdom of Priests—Their Ministry Thus Foreshadowed—The Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthoods—Their Restoration in the Latter Days—The Preaching of the Gospel—Ephraim and Manasseh—The Lineage of the Prophet Joseph Smith—Predestination and Election—The Dispersion and Gathering of Israel—The Priesthood Endless, Administering in Time and Eternity—The Blindness of the Gentiles to the Things of God—The Results of Persecution—The Future of the Faithful - 3,975 views
  22. The Order of Enoch - 3,833 views
  23. Self-Government—Mysteries—Recreation and Amusements, Not in Themselves Sinful—Tithing—Adam, Our Father and Our God - 3,821 views
  24. Source of True Happiness—Prayer, Etc. - 3,558 views
  25. Prophecy of John the Revelator—Mission of the Ancient Apostles—Their Reception and Fate—The Great Apostasy—Preservation of the Apostle John—His Revelation—Restoration of the Gospel—The Earth to Be Baptized By Fire As It Was Once Baptized By Water—We Are Sent to the World With a Warning Message—They Can Receive or Reject It—Testimony to the Truth of “Mormonism.” - 3,527 views
  26. Personal Reminiscences and Testimony Concerning the Prophet Joseph and the Church, Etc. - 3,400 views
  27. Observe the Sabbath Day - 3,359 views
  28. Conditions on Which the Saints Shall Prevail—Prevalence of Peace—The Feeling in the East—Falsehoods Swallowed By a Credulous Public—No Real Injury—Immediate Promises—Only One Thing to Be Feared—The Saints Shall Prevail—The Saints Shall Prevail Through Faithfulness—This Praise of the World a Signal for Sorrow—Power of a United People—The Fiercest Persecution Antecedent to Polygamy—Salt that Has Lost Its Savor—Only One Channel of Revelation—Vox Dei, Vox Populi—The Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods—Writing and Speaking—Spirits that Peep and Mutter—Deceitful Devices of the Enemy—The Men Who Have Authority—The Parable of the Ship—The Man Who Presides—Invocation - 3,305 views
  29. Recreation, and the Proper Use of It - 3,233 views
  30. Eternal Punishment—“Mormonism,” &c - 3,214 views
  31. Pre-Existence, in Spiritual Form, of Man, the Lower Animals and the Earth—The Temporal Probationary State—The Millennium—The Final Change - 3,148 views
  32. The Creation—The Seventh Thousand Years, and Events Which Are to Follow the Period of the Millennium - 3,081 views
  33. Parable of the Ten Virgins—Rapid Development of the Arts and Sciences—The Lord Hastening His Work in Its Time—Enmity Between the Church of Christ and the World—The Gathering Together of People From Every Nation After They Have Been Baptized Into One Spirit—The Law of Tithing—Blessings Which Follow Obedience Thereto—Binding Upon All, Rich and Poor Alike—Giving to the Poor—Power of the Principles of the Gospel and Effects of Their Observance—Jehovah—Jesus Christ—His Ministry—His Followers—Their Mission—Preaching to the Spirits in Prison—Baptism for the Dead—Saviors Upon Mount Zion—Responsibility Resting Upon the Saints—a Word of Encouragement to the Missionaries - 2,944 views
  34. The “Twin Relics,” Slavery and Polygamy—Confounding of Polygamy With Bigamy, “Christian” Statesmanship—Joseph Smith’s Proposition for the Abolition of Slavery—The Great Rebellion, Church Division—The Bible and Polygamy, Origin of Monogamy—The Work of God in the Latter Days, the Mission of Ephraim—The Ten Tribes and Scattered Israel, the Book of Mormon—Present Persecution and Future Prospects of the Saints - 2,915 views
  35. Proper Conduct in Meeting - 2,906 views
  36. The Latter-Day Kingdom of God—Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon—External Testimony - 2,904 views
  37. Temple and Endowments—Raising Grain and Building Storehouses—Dedication - 2,901 views
  38. Celebration of American Independence - 2,855 views
  39. Synopsis of Remarks - 2,833 views
  40. Meeting of Adam With His Posterity in the Valley of Adam-Ondi-Ahman—Location of the Valley—The Covenant With Enoch—Records of God’s Dealings With Men From the Period of the Creation—Method of Preserving the Records of Ancient Prophets—Christ’s Advent Among the Nephites—Fufillment of God’s Purposes and the Fullness of Times - 2,798 views
  41. Mormonism.” - 2,787 views
  42. “Truth is Mighty and Will Prevail”—Introduction of the Principles of Eternal Truth—Fulfillment of Prophecy in Our Own Time—Principles of the Gospel Worthy of Consideration—Their Unpopularity—Peculiar Position of the Latter-Day Saints—The Kingdom of God Predicted By the Prophets—Joseph Smith—No Power Can Stay the Hand of Almighty—The Gospel of Christ is the Law of Salvation—Persecution—Polygamy—Treat Our Fellow Men Aright—Commencement of the Millennium—Warfare Between God and the Devil—Faith—the Secret of the Strength of the Saints—Responsibility of Rulers, Etc.—Responsibility of the Saints - 2,787 views
  43. Remarks at the Funeral of President Jedediah M. Grant - 2,781 views
  44. The Intended Trip North—The Causes of the Scarcity of Breadstuff—The Sufferings of the Ungodly in the United States—The Popularity of the Gospel Undesirable - 2,779 views
  45. Funeral Discourse - 2,741 views
  46. Trying to Be Saints—Treasures of the Everlasting Hills—The Hill Cumorah—Obedience to True Principle the Key to Knowledge—All Enjoyment Comes From God—Organization—Duties of Officers—Final Results - 2,735 views
  47. Order—Spiritual Gifts—Temples—The New Jerusalem - 2,731 views
  48. The Speaker’s Dependence Upon the Inspiration of the Holy Ghost—Comprehensive and Exalted Nature of the Plan of Salvation—Satan’s Coercive Scheme—The Sons of Perdition—The Testimony of Jesus—Physical and Moral Courage—True Religion is Practical—One Straight and Narrow Way to Eternal Life—True Religion Compared to Genuine Coin—True Faith is Inseparably Connected With Works—Baptism of Water and of Fire—Apostles, Prophets, Etc., Placed in the Church—God’s Impartiality to His Children—Testimony Obtained By Obedience—All Will Be Saved Except the Sons of Perdition—God Has Prepared a Place for All—Paradise—Salvation Beyond the Grave—The Saints Will Have to Endure Persecution—Patriarchal Marriage—Conclusion - 2,721 views
  49. The Gathering—The Lord Will Punish the Wicked—Polygamy and Prostitution—Statistics of Crime Committed By Mormons and Non-Mormons—The Wickedness of the New England States—The Debased Position of U. S. Officials As Exhibited in the Courts of Utah - 2,710 views
  50. The Kingdom of God - 2,703 views
  51. The Creation, Male and Female—Calling of Enoch and Noah—God Selected Abraham and His Seed to Be a Chosen People—He Commanded His People to Multiply But Forbade Adultery and Whoredom in Every Form—Plural Marriage Enjoined Upon Abraham and His Seed to Make Them a Great People—The Principle of Life and Eternal Increase is a Spiritual Power—Modern Christendom Opposed to Large Families—Latter-Day Saints Encourage Them—The Edmunds Law Passed With the Pretence of Repressing Immorality Among the Mormons—That Mask of Hypocrisy Now Thrown Off—The Religious Sentiment of the Latter-Day Saints the Real Object of Persecution—Concluding Exhortations - 2,702 views
  52. The Gospel Incorporates All Truth—Mode of Administering the Sacrament—Abiding Counsel—Heavenly Blessings Are Conditional—Progressiveness of the Work—Plural Marriage—Tithing—Tardiness of the Saints in Observing Practical Duties—Cooperation - 2,694 views
  53. Design of God in Relation to the Earth and Its Inhabitants—Power of Satan—The Two Zions—What is Required of the Saints—A Priesthood in the Heavens, As Well As on the Earth—Duties of the Priesthood—Would-Be Advisers—Celestial Marriage—Distinction Between Polygamy and Prostitution—Government Officers Discriminating in Favor of the Latter—Unchastity Not to Be Tolerated in the Church—Charity Advised—Class of People Who Accuse the Saints of Crime—Criminal Statistics—Horrifying Statements of Crime in the Eastern States—Warning to the Saints - 2,680 views
  54. Joseph Smith’s Mission—Necessity for Such a Mission—Evidences of Apostasy—Restoration of the Gospel and Establishment of the Kingdom of God—Hatred and Persecution Accorded to Joseph Smith, An Evidence of His Divine Calling—Further Proof of Inspiration - 2,651 views
  55. Comprehensiveness of True Religion—The Saints But Stewards - 2,628 views
  56. Visions of Moses—Rebellion in Heaven—Satan Cast Down—Our First Parents Fell—Before the Fall They Were Immortal—After the Fall, Mortal—The Command to Multiply Was Given to Two Immortal Beings—This Command More Fully to Be Carried Into Effect, After the Resurrection, Etc. - 2,605 views
  57. Mahometanism and Christianity - 2,586 views
  58. Evil Habits and Practices, &c - 2,563 views
  59. Testimony of the Spirit—Revelation Given According to Requirements—Spiritual Warfare and Conquest, Etc. - 2,541 views
  60. A Few Questions Every Latter-day Saint Can Answer for Himself—The Fruits of the Spirit—The Proper Use of Riches—No Comparison Between Earthly Wealth and Eternal Riches—Principle Must not be Sacrificed for Riches—Consecration—Satan Rebuked—We Ought to Cultivate the Fruits of the Spirit—The Work of God Onward and Upward—The Fate of Those Who Sacrifice Principle at the Shrine of Greed—Conclusion - 2,528 views
  61. The Lord’s Supper—a Word to Mothers—The Sacrament in Sabbath Schools—History of Some Things—Young Men to Preside—Home Manufactures - 2,523 views
  62. Spiritual Communication - 2,519 views
  63. Disobedience of Counsel—The Indian War The Result of the Same - 2,508 views
  64. The Increase and Future of the Saints—True Education, Etc. - 2,503 views
  65. Necessity of Opposition - 2,497 views
  66. Our Labors Are Interesting and Peculiar—Character of the Latter-Day Saints—The Blessing and Privilege of Priesthood—The Primary Associations—Our Warfare is One of Faith—We Must Importune for Our Rights—Necessity for Good Lawyers—The Gift of Wisdom—Persecution Will Tend to Unite Us—We Should Be Pure - 2,490 views
  67. The Word of Wisdom - 2,486 views
  68. The First Principles of the Gospel - 2,486 views
  69. Preaching and Testimony—Gathering Israel—The Blood of Israel and the Gentiles—The Science of Life - 2,481 views
  70. Reminiscences and Testimony of Parley P. Pratt - 2,461 views
  71. United Order—Tithing—Cooperative Labors in Brigham City - 2,458 views
  72. The Preaching and Practice of the Gospel—Visitations of Angels, Etc. - 2,448 views
  73. The Order of Progression in Knowledge—The Way By Which Saints Become One—Aptness of Men to Remember Evil Rather Than Good—a Characteristic of Saints is to Remember Good and Forget Evil—Our Affections Should Be Placed on the Kingdom of God Above All Other Things - 2,444 views
  74. How God’s Purposes Are Fulfilled—Similarity of Ancient and Modern Church Government—Interview With Baron Rothschild—Object of Building Temples—The Perfect Organization of the Church of Christ—Works Indispensable to Salvation - 2,443 views
  75. Missionary Labors Reviewed—Testimony Gained—Predictions Fulfilled—Condition of the World—Prospects of the Swiss and German Mission—Class of Men Selected By the Lord for His Work—Restoration of the Gospel—The Priesthood Necessary—How It Was Restored—Ancient Prophecies Concerning the Latter-Day Work—Why the Saints Are Hated—Persecution Predicted—Political Aspect—Revelation Necessary—Distinction Between the Holy Ghost and the Spirit Given to Every Man—True Education—How Joseph Smith and Orson Pratt Obtained Theirs—How Abraham and Moses Were Taught—Action of Congress Considered - 2,433 views
  76. The Privileges and Blessings of the Gospel - 2,429 views
  77. Discourse by Elder Orson Pratt - 2,418 views
  78. Ignorance of the World Regarding the Latter-day Saints—Our Doctrines Are Christian and Are Substantiated By the Scriptures—Necessity of Present Revelation—First Principles of the Gospel—Faith, Repentance, Baptism for the Remission of Sins and Laying on of Hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost—Organization of the Church of Christ—“Mormonism” is a Restoration of Ancient Christianity—Joseph Smith a True Prophet—Plural Marriage Practiced By Men of God in Miss-Called Dark Ages—Conclusion - 2,412 views
  79. The Constitutions of the United States and Illinois—Nauvoo Charter and Municipal Court—Writ of Habeas Corpus - 2,406 views
  80. Desirable Condition of the Saints—Characteristics of Prophets—The Governing Power of God in Human Affairs—Man’s Ingratitude Toward God—The Enlightening Power of God’s Spirit—Man’s Origin, Probation and Destiny—A Base Conception of the Object of Life—The Savior’s Noble Example—The Source of True Happiness—Great Truths Revealed Through Joseph Smith—Eternal Associations and Destiny of the Saints—How to Attain to a Knowledge of the Things of Eternity - 2,395 views
  81. Opposition to the Gospel - 2,388 views
  82. True and False Riches - 2,387 views
  83. Apostasy, &c - 2,386 views
  84. Rebuking Evil, &c - 2,385 views
  85. The Order of Enoch—Socialistic Experiments—The Social Problem - 2,374 views
  86. God’s Ways not as Man’s Ways - 2,374 views
  87. Ordinances that Can Only Be Administered in the Temple—Endowments, Etc. - 2,372 views
  88. Devotion to God—How It is Made Manifest—Divers Opinions—Liberty to Worship God—Jesus Christ the Savior of the World—His Apostles Were Unlearned Men—They Were Rejected By the Masses—Writings of the Prophets—Persecution for Righteousness’ Sake—Selfishness—Love of Darkness Rather Than Light—Compromise of Principle—Infamy of Sacrificing Truth to Gain Place—God Must Be Obeyed Rather Than Man - 2,370 views
  89. Revealed Religion and Man-Made Methods of Worship—Only One True and Acceptable Way to Worship God—Ancient and Modern Revelations Corroborate Each Other—God’s Spirit the Light and Life of the Whole World—Men Generally Choose Darkness Rather Than Light—The Coming Forth of the Light in the Latter Days—Joseph Smith and His Doctrines—The Speaker’s Personal Experience—The Operations of the Spirit—The Way to Obtain Knowledge From God—The Necessity of Priesthood and Church Government—The Head of the Church God’s Mouthpiece to the Church—The Perfection, Beauty, and Harmony of the Lord’s Work - 2,370 views
  90. The Principles of the Gospel Promote Unity, Faith and Love—The Human Family Are Free Agents—The Evidence of Our Having Descended From the Gods—The World is Fulfilling Its Destiny—The Church and Kingdom of God Arising in Influence and Power—The Restoration of the Holy Priesthood—Plural Marriage—More Happiness in Doing Right Than Wrong—All Real Enjoyment Comes From God—The Latter-Day Saints Trust in God—“Mormonism” the Only Religion Worth Living For—The Christianity of the Period a Tremendous Imposition Upon the Children of Men—“Mormonism” Will Extend Further and Further—Conclusion - 2,369 views
  91. Celestial Marriage - 2,366 views
  92. No Prominent Latter-Day Saint Who Lives His Religion Need Expect Justice in the Courts—The Same Sacrifices May Be Required of Modern As of Ancient Apostles—The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Established By Divine Revelation—We Will Be Made Perfect By Suffering—Our Character As Latter-Day Saints Must Be Preserved Inviolate—Visit of Jesus to Kirtland Temple—Farewell - 2,365 views
  93. Secret of Happiness—Self Examination—Joseph Smith a Man of Obedience to God—Baptism for the Dead—Temporal and Spiritual One—a Dream—Order of Enoch, the Order of God—A Good Word for the Women - 2,364 views
  94. The Order of Enoch—Study of Law—How to Become Rich - 2,362 views
  95. Those Who Are in Darkness Cannot Discern the Light—Exhortations to Male and Female to Seek After the Light of the Holy Ghost—Women Who Leave Their Husbands, Etc. - 2,360 views
  96. Celebration of the Fourth of July - 2,354 views
  97. Religious Liberty Guaranteed By the Constitution—Not Mere Freedom of Belief—Where the Line Should Be Drawn—Natural Rights Must Be Protected—Danger of Special Legislation—Object of the Gathering of the Saints—Establishment of God’s Kingdom—Literal Fulfillment of Prophecy—Restoration of the Christian Church—Authority of the Priesthood—Lack of Divine Authority—Proofs of the Divine Mission of the Latter-Day Saints—Plural Marriage a Religious Institution—A Bible Doctrine—Constitutional Right to Practice It - 2,351 views
  98. Importance of the Work of God—“The Kingdom of God or Nothing”—Apparent Insignificance of the Church at First—Its Growth—Ancient Men of God—Personal Reminiscence—What is Required of the Saints—How Joseph Smith’s Prayers Were Answered - 2,331 views
  99. The Priesthood to Dictate in Temporal As Well As Spiritual Things—Inconsistency of An Equal Division of Property—Let Apostates Alone - 2,328 views
  100. Funeral Address - 2,325 views

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