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Music: The Forgotten
Language of the Heart
May 10th
What counsel has the leadership of the Church given us in regard to music? Read the story of one man's search for answers in understanding this medium of communication.
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Music & Dance FAQs
Browse this collection of prophetic statements on music and dance. Should we compromise on rock music to not offend or drive away some of the youth? What is proper dancing posture? Does the lifestyle of the artist have an influence on the music that is produced? Discover the answers to these questions and more!
Lamb of God - Rob Gardner
Rob Gardner has composed sacred works depicting the final events of Christ's life and the Resurrection, the life and mission of Joseph Smith and the sacrifice and legacy of our pioneer forebears.
Recent Additions
The Prophet Joseph: More than we know DVD
For the first time, the Joseph Smith Foundation releases their groundbreaking research revolutionizing latter-day prophecy and the Signs of the Times. Is the Prophet Joseph the Angel in Revelation 14, the designator of Zion inheritances, the Messenger in Malachi, the Servant in Isaiah, the passport to Celestial glory, the Voice crying in the wilderness? Discover the Prophet Joseph Smith in a way you have never imagined!
Guardians of an Altar
Guardians of an Altar is an LDS youth organization dedicated to giving like-minded youth an opportunity to network and learn true principles of Zion.